File #: 2020-8194   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 7/22/2020
Title: Elect Chair and Vice Chair of the Transportation Commission



Elect Chair and Vice Chair of the Transportation Commission




Transportation Commission

July 22, 2020

Item 6A



Elect Chair and Vice Chair of the Transportation Commission



The Transportation Commission (TC) bylaws and the Alameda Municipal Code require the election of a Chair and Vice Chair.  The Chair and Vice Chair must be elected “at the first meeting after July 1 of each year when the Commission is fully constituted.”




The duties of the Chair and Vice Chair are defined in the bylaws as follows:


Chair: who shall preside at all meetings of the Commission, call special meetings, appoint committees, and perform other proper duties of a presiding officer.  Except as otherwise authorized by the Commission, the Chair shall sign all correspondence, reports and other instruments approved by the Commission and perform other activities as directed by a majority of the Commission.


Vice Chair: who shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair; and in case of the resignation or other permanent absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform such duties as are imposed on the Chair until such time as the Commission shall select a new chair.


The term of office also is defined in the bylaws as follows:


“The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, selected by the Commission, shall each serve for a one (1) year term or until successors are appointed.”


The current Chair is Samantha Soules, and the current Vice Chair is Alysha Nachtigall.


Budget Considerations/Fiscal Impact




Staff recommends that the Transportation Commission nominate and elect a Chair and Vice Chair for the Commission.



Respectfully submitted by,


Gail Payne

Senior Transportation Coordinator