Recommendation to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Settlement Agreement between the Port of Oakland, the City of Alameda and Citizens League for Airport Safety and Serenity Regarding the Port of Oakland's Final Environmental Impact Report for the Oakland Airport Terminal Modification and Development Project. (City Manager 10021833)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
On November 21, 2024, the Board of Directors for the Port of Oakland (Port) certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for its proposed Oakland Airport Terminal Modernization and Development Project (Project).
City Council has been closely monitoring this Project and its potential impacts on the community especially in the vicinity of Bay Farm Island. Given the large number of collaborative projects between the Port and City of Alameda (City), both governing bodies directed their professional staff to attempt to resolve their FEIR differences through negotiation before resorting to litigation. To allow for this negotiation, the Port and the City along with the Citizens League for Airport Safety and Serenity (CLASS), a Harbor Bay Isle community organization, agreed to a Tolling Agreement. Under the Tolling Agreement, the Port granted both the City and CLASS until March 24, 2025 to sit down at the negotiation table to resolve their issues before resorting to litigation.
The parties have been meeting twice weekly for the past couple of months to negotiate a settlement. Staff updated City Council on the status of these negotiations in Closed Session on February 4 and 18 and March 4, 2025.
Subject to City Council's approval, the parties have reached a mutually acceptable Settlement Agreement which puts the City in a better position than it would have been had it simply filed a lawsuit against the Port. Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Settlement A...
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