File #: 2024-4576   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 12/17/2024
Title: Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Accept the Work of Ranger Pipelines, Inc. for Cyclic Sewer Replacement Project, Phase 19, No. PW 02-22-18. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities). (Public Works C21000)

Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Accept the Work of Ranger Pipelines, Inc. for Cyclic Sewer Replacement Project, Phase 19, No. PW 02-22-18.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities).
(Public Works C21000)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager


On October 15, 2019, City Council awarded a five-year agreement with Ranger Pipelines, Inc. in an amount not to exceed a total five-year expenditure of $28,924,389.83 for the Cyclic Sewer Replacement Project. On August 4, 2022, the City of Alameda (City) executed the third amendment to the agreement (Third Amendment) in an amount not-to-exceed $5,944,221,02, including 10% contingency, for Phase 19. The project replaced approximately 2.6 miles of sewer main, associated manholes, and lower laterals. The improvements made under the subject contract are complete and acceptable to staff. Staff is now recommending that City Council accept the work.


The work in this contract served as Project Year eight (8) of the 20-Year Rehabilitation Program included in the City's 2015 Sewer Master Plan. The Sewer Master Plan utilized information collected through maintenance, inspection, and monitoring activities to assess system condition and capacity. The results were used to identify and prioritize sewer system capital improvement needs in a 20-Year Rehabilitation Program structured to maintain compliance with the Consent Decree and be consistent with the City's sewer rate structure. Project Year eight (8) replaced approximately 2.6 miles of existing old and deteriorating sanitary sewer main. Completion of this work is required for compliance under the Final Consent Decree for Consolidated Case Nos. C 09-00186-RS and C 09-05684-RS, which requires the City to rehabilitate ...

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