Approve Meeting Minutes - October 20, 2022 (Action Item)
Draft Minutes
Transportation Commission Meeting
Special Meeting
Wednesday, October 20, 2022
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361 codified at Government Code Section 54953, Transportation Commissioners can attend the meeting via teleconference. The City allows public participation via Zoom.
Zoom Attendees: 29
Legistar Link:
1. Roll Call
Present: Chair Soules, Vice Chair Yuen and Commissioners Kohlstrand, Johnson, Suthanthira and Nachtigall.
Absent: Commissioner Scott Weitze
2. Agenda Changes
Chair Samantha Soules made a motion to pull item 6B Street Classifications from the Regular Agenda for more discussion. Commissioner Rebecca Kohlstrand seconded the motion. A vote was taken by a raise of hands and the motion passed 6-0.
3. Staff Communications are as shown in the web link here:
4. Announcements / Public Comments
Commissioner Kohlstrand asked for a background on the Encinal Project.
Lisa Foster, Senior Transportation Coordinator, gave a brief explanation of the project.
Chair Soules talked about the great turnout for Walk and Roll School day.
Jim Strehlow discussed the lack of a bike lane at Sherman St. He discussed the difficulties for bikes at Atlantic and Sherman. He also gave suggestions of where a traffic circle could work.
5. Consent Calendar
6. Regular Agenda Items
6A. Review and Comment on the Draft Alameda Active Transportation Plan
(Discussion Item)
Rochelle Wheeler, Senior Transportation Coordinator, introduced this item and gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: https://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=5866790&GUID=61427331-10...
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