Approve Draft Minutes of the August 28, 2024, Transportation Commission Meeting (Action)
Draft Minutes
Transportation Commission
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Alameda City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Council Chambers
The City allows members of the public to participate in person or remotely via Zoom. For information to assist with Zoom participation, please click: https://www.alamedaca.gov/zoom.
Zoom Attendees: 68
Legistar Link (Agenda and Video):
1. Roll Call
Present: Chair Weitze, Vice Chair Suthanthira and Commissioners Dara-Abrams*, Johnson, and Kim.
Absent: Commissioners Nachtigall and Gloyne
*Commissioner Dara-Abrams was absent for role call but joined later
2. Agenda Changes
Chair Weitze made a motion (0:55*) to continue approval of the minutes to the next meeting due to needing more commissioners for a vote. Vice Chair Suthanthira seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0.
3. 2024-4340 - Staff Communications
Lisa Foster, Acting Transportation Planning Manager, gave the Staff Communications update (*1:34).
Staff Communications came be found:
4. NON-AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT - Anyone may speak for 3 minutes regarding
any matter not on the agenda
2024-4341 - Public Comment
Public Comment can be found:
Jim Strehlow, in person, (*3:30) said how much he disliked having so many important items in one meeting. He then addressed how much he dislikes that there is not a speed limit in the bike lanes, mainly for e-bikes. He then called for more traffic enforcement, not just design changes to address safety concerns....
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