File #: 2022-1743   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 2/14/2022
Title: PLN21-0459 - Design Review and Development Plan Amendment - 2607 - 2619 Santa Clara Avenue & 1514 - 1518 Broadway - Applicant: Branagh Land Inc. Public hearing to consider Design Review and Development Plan Amendment to allow the construction of eight townhome dwellings within an existing 1.29-acre residential development. General Plan designation: Medium Density Residential. Zoning: R-5-PD, General Residential-Planned Development zoning district and partly within the R-4-PD, Neighborhood Residential-Planned Development. CEQA Determination: Design Review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA. McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80, Public Resources Code Section 21080. As a separate and independent basis, the development plan amendment is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-fill Development
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Project Plans, 2. Exhibit 2 Draft Resolution

PLN21-0459 - Design Review and Development Plan Amendment - 2607 - 2619 Santa Clara Avenue & 1514 - 1518 Broadway - Applicant: Branagh Land Inc. Public hearing to consider Design Review and Development Plan Amendment to allow the construction of eight townhome dwellings within an existing 1.29-acre residential development. General Plan designation: Medium Density Residential. Zoning: R-5-PD, General Residential-Planned Development zoning district and partly within the R-4-PD, Neighborhood Residential-Planned Development. CEQA Determination: Design Review approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA. McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group v. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80, Public Resources Code Section 21080. As a separate and independent basis, the development plan amendment is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-fill Development


To: Honorable President and
Members of the Planning Board

From: Henry Dong, Planner III


On November 23, 2020, the Planning Board approved Density Bonus and Development Plan No. PLN19-0448 to replace two tennis courts and a basketball court with nine town homes located within an existing residential development at Santa Clara Avenue and Broadway. The Planning Board also recommended City Council approval of Tentative Map Tract 8534 to subdivide the existing 1.29-acre property into 12 lots. On January 19, 2021, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing and approved Resolution No. 15737 for Tentative Map Tract 8534. The staff report and exhibits from the 2020 Planning Board Development Plan approval can be found at the following link:

In order to satisfy off-street parking requirements, the approved Development Plan included a stacked parking structure containing mechani...

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