File #: 2025-4655   
Type: Closed Session Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 1/21/2025
Title: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) PROPERTY: Building 530, 390 West Oriskany Avenue, Area Bounded by West Pacific Avenue, Orion Street and Viking Street, West Ticonderoga Avenue, and Central Avenue CITY NEGOTIATORS: City Manager Jennifer Ott, Base Reuse and Economic Development Director Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Base Reuse Manager Alesia Strauch, Assistant City Attorney Len Aslanian, Cushman & Wakefield Senior Director, Ted Anderson NEGOTIATING PARTIES: City of Alameda and Pacific Fusion UNDER NEGOTIATION: Price and terms of Sale
Attachments: 1. Correspondence - Updated 1/21