File #: 2024-4207   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Historical Advisory Board
On agenda: 7/18/2024
Title: Application #PLN24-0256 - Alameda Point Historic District - Certificate of Approval to Replace Gutters on the "Big Whites" - Applicant: City of Alameda - Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to allow the replacement of copper gutters with a different material at the "Big Whites," located at 2765 Seattle Road, 2805 Seattle Road, 2765 Newport Road, 2801 Newport Road, 2815 Newport Road, 2825 Newport Road, 2775 San Diego Road, 2805 San Diego Road, 2835 San Diego Road, 2865 San Diego Road, 2795 San Pedro Road, 2815 San Pedro Road, 2835 San Pedro Road, 2845 San Pedro Road, 2875 San Pedro Road, 2805 Pearl Harbor Road, 2825 Pearl Harbor Road, 2845 Pearl Harbor Road and 390 West Essex Drive, which are the contributing buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District's residential subdistrict, and the existing copper gutters were identified as character defining features in the National Register nomination. General Plan: Main Street Neighborhood. Zoning: AP-MS, Alameda Point ...
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Documentation of Existing and Proposed Gutters, 2. Exhibit 2 National Register Nomination Form (excerpt), 3. Exhibit 3 Secretary of the Interior’s Standards & Guidelines (excerpt), 4. Exhibit 4 Draft Resolution, 5. Item 4-B Public Comment

Application #PLN24-0256 - Alameda Point Historic District - Certificate of Approval to Replace Gutters on the "Big Whites" - Applicant: City of Alameda - Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to allow the replacement of copper gutters with a different material at the "Big Whites," located at 2765 Seattle Road, 2805 Seattle Road, 2765 Newport Road, 2801 Newport Road, 2815 Newport Road, 2825 Newport Road, 2775 San Diego Road, 2805 San Diego Road, 2835 San Diego Road, 2865 San Diego Road, 2795 San Pedro Road, 2815 San Pedro Road, 2835 San Pedro Road, 2845 San Pedro Road, 2875 San Pedro Road, 2805 Pearl Harbor Road, 2825 Pearl Harbor Road, 2845 Pearl Harbor Road and 390 West Essex Drive, which are the contributing buildings within the NAS Alameda Historic District's residential subdistrict, and the existing copper gutters were identified as character defining features in the National Register nomination. General Plan: Main Street Neighborhood. Zoning: AP-MS, Alameda Point Main Street. CEQA Determination: Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities.


To: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Historical Advisory Board


The Base Reuse and Economic Development Department (BRED) has applied for a Certificate of Approval to make modifications to the exterior of the former officers housing at the former Naval Air Station (NAS) now referred to as Alameda Point. In particular, the gutters and downspouts on 19 houses, made of copper that has acquired a patina over the past 80 years, have been the recent target of theft and require replacement where they are now missing, as well as preemptive replacement to avoid further risk of damage to property and injury to persons. BRED proposes to replace the existing copper gutters with a more common metal material and color (aluminum with a white finish or dark jade, which resembles patinaed copper formed in a replica shape (rectangular with s...

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