Recommendation to Review and Comment on the Port of Oakland's Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Terminal Modification and Development Project at the Oakland Airport and on City Staff's Draft Response Letter. (Planning, Building and Transportation 20962700) [Not heard on September 5, 2023]
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
On July 17, 2023, the Port of Oakland (Port) released a public review draft of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for its proposed Oakland Airport Modernization and Expansion Program. The City has an opportunity to comment on the Draft EIR by October 16, 2023 (recently extended from September 15, 2023). Planning staff drafted the attached letter which may be sent on behalf of the City of Alameda (City), identifying several areas of interest including noise, air quality, and safety, as well as alternatives and baseline assumptions about the project and future activity at the airport. City Council is asked to consider public comment and provide comments on the contents of the letter (Exhibit 1) prior to submittal to the Port.
The Port is the lead agency responsible for preparing the environmental impact analysis of its proposed project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Draft EIR is available online here: https://www.oaklandairport.com/terminal-development-meeting-materials/#terminal-section-0.
An executive summary of the project and its potential impacts, as analyzed by the Port, is provided in Exhibit 2.
Airport Project Description
The Oakland International Airport (OAK) includes South Field, which accommodates the commercial passenger and cargo activity, and North Field, which was the original airport and now accommodates corporate and general aviation purposes and other supporting facilities.
The proposed project includes modernizing Terminals 1 and 2, consolidating passenger processing functions (e.g.,...
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