To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Commission on Persons with Disabilities
The Fernside Boulevard Traffic Safety & Bikeways Project (Fernside Project) aims to update this corridor with the goal of reducing auto speeds and increasing safety and access for all road users. It is also working to implement the low-stress bikeways called for in the Active Transportation Plan and needs to reflect design guidelines for the San Francisco Bay Trail. The project has completed existing conditions analysis and public input (Phase I) and public input on design concept alternatives (Phase 2). Based on these findings, the project team has developed the draft final design concept recommendations below.
* Long-term concept for Fernside Blvd from Tilden Way to San Jose Ave: Pedestrian Median Islands with Two-Way Protected Bikeway. This design improves pedestrian safety with shorter pedestrian crossings, pedestrian median islands, curb extensions, marked crosswalks, and flashing beacons; reduces motor vehicle speeds with removal of the center turn lane west of High St and narrower travel lanes; and creates a low-stress bike facility either raised to sidewalk level or protected by curb medians. It includes two motor vehicle lanes (one in each direction) and curbside parking on both sides of the street. Bus stops would be upgraded to fully accessible boarding islands; on-street parking space accessibility would remain unchanged on the south side of the street and have a wider amenity zone (which can be used for loading) on the north side of the street. Final designs will include locations for on-street blue disability parking zones as well as an accessible passenger loading zone at the Marina Garden Nursing Center. The implementation goal is 2030 per the Active Transportation Plan, pending approval and finding funding.
* Near-term concept for Fernside Blvd from Tilden Way to High St: Quick-Build Pedestrian Median Islands with Buffered Bike Lanes. This design i...
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