File #: 2024-4334   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 8/28/2024
Title: Accept Status Report on Transportation (Action)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Status Report On Transportation 8-20-2024

Accept Status Report on Transportation (Action)


To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Transportation Commission


The Annual Report on Transportation shows City progress towards its goals, as well as priority actions for the coming year. The Transportation Commission accepted the Transportation 2023 Annual Report & 2024 Work Plan on February 28, 2024, and the City Council accepted it on March 19, 2024. The Annual Report is available here:

The Transportation Commission bylaws state that, "Generally, the Commission shall advise the City Council on City transportation plans, policies, programs, and capital projects, and shall monitor implementation via staff reports on a regular basis, but no less frequently than twice per year."

This Status Report on Transportation includes work completed from January-July as part of the 2024 Transportation Work Plan. It is attached as Exhibit 1.

The Status Report provides updates on ongoing projects; on its own it has no financial impact.


The Status Report on Transportation reports on the City's 2022 Transportation Work Program, which works to fulfill City goals and objectives outlined in the following adopted plans:
* City Council Strategic Plan (2023)
* Active Transportation Plan (2022)
* Mobility Element of the General Plan (2021)
* Vision Zero Action Plan (2021)
* Climate Action and Resiliency Plan (2019)
* Transportation Choices Plan (2018)

In addition, it works to fulfill policies and resolutions:
* Signalized Intersection Access Equity Policy (2021)
* Policy on Street Width, Lane Width, Crosswalks, and Bulb-outs (2020)
* Vision Zero policy (2019)
* Policy for Improvements to Visibility (Daylighting) (2019)
* Complete Streets Policy (2013)


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