Review 2020 Work Plan and Provide Direction As Needed
Date: July16, 2020
To: Honorable President Christine Chilcott and Members of the Social Service Human Relations Board
From: Ana Bagtas, Development Manager
Eric Fonstein, Development Manager
The Social Service and Human Relations Board (Board) created the 2020 Work Plan last fall, which the City Council reviewed and consented to at its January 7, 2020 meeting. The Work Plan outlines the Board's goals, proposed actions, and metrics to achieve those actions for this calendar year. The Board revised the Work Plan at its May 28, 2020 meeting to reestablish a Domestic Violence Task Force. This was in response to the increase in domestic violence incidents reported to the Alameda Police Department, related to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic crisis.
At this mid-year point, staff recommends that the Board revisit its Work Plan. Possible items to discuss are the following activities:
1) "Placeholder community event." Under Goal #2: (Foster mutual understanding, respect, equality, and good will among community groups), the Board had reserved a placeholder for a summer/fall community discussion event. This was in anticipation of a heated and divisive election season. Given the catastrophic impact of COVID-19 and the social unrest calling for improvements in policing and race relations, the Board may want to discuss ideas or timing for a healing, inspiring, and cathartic event for the community. One idea may be scheduling a virtual student speech contest in September or October, similar to the Season for Nonviolence Speech Contest, which the Board had to cancel this year due to the Shelter in Place order.
2) Board elections. With the City's state of emergency related to the pandemic, the Mayor and City Council have decided to hold off appointments to Boards and Commissions until September 2020. Currently, there is one vacancy on the SSHRB. The SSHRB annual...
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