Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $286,763, Including Contingency, to Parisi/CSW Design Group for the Outreach, Planning and Design Services for the Otis Drive Traffic Calming and Safety Improvements Project. (Public Works 310)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: David L. Rudat, Interim City Manager
Parisi/CSE Design Group will provide professional outreach, planning, and design services for transportation complete streets projects, including the Otis Drive Traffic Calming Project, which includes technical expertise including complete street best practices, high quality graphics, specialized engineering and the ability to convey this knowledge to key stakeholders, City Commissions/Boards and the City Council.
The City has identified Otis Drive, between Westline Drive and Willow Street (1 mile), as a high priority for traffic safety improvements. The street is classified in the Transportation Element of the City of Alameda's General Plan as an Island Arterial, which are streets intended to provide cross-island access for local intra-island trips through generally residential neighborhoods. It is also identified as a bicycle priority street and as a primary transit street, as the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) operates daily bus service in the corridor.
Otis Drive is 64 feet wide, curb to curb, and currently operates with two lanes in each direction, on-street parking along both curbs, and no bike lanes. Safety concerns include excessive speeds, challenging crossings for pedestrians, and a lack of bicycle facilities.
The goals of the project include:
* reducing driving speeds within the 25 miles per hour limit;
* improving safety for all users;
* adding bicycle facilities to connect to Wood School, the beach, Alameda Hospital with existing bike lanes on Westline Drive and Grand Street;
* improving bus stops;
* reduce impacts of flooding/sea level rise; and...
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