File #: 2017-4412   
Type: New Business
Body: Recreation and Park Commission
On agenda: 6/8/2017
Title: Review and Recommend Mastick Senior Center Member Input and Program Evaluation.

Review and Recommend Mastick Senior Center Member Input and Program Evaluation.


To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Recreation and Park Commission

From: Amy Wooldridge, Recreation and Parks Director

Re: Review and Recommend Mastick Senior Center Member Input and Program Evaluation.


At the May 11, 2017 Recreation and Parks Commission meeting, a letter was read from a Mastick Senior Center member (included in those meeting minutes) that expressed concern and a need for more membership input into programs. The Commission requested that staff review the issue and placed the item on the June 8, 2017 agenda.

On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, Recreation Manager Jackie Krause and Recreation and Parks Director Amy Wooldridge presented a report to the Mastick Senior Center Advisory Board that outlined all current procedures for program evaluation and opportunities for member input. The Board unanimously voted to "uphold and support the current procedures for Mastick Senior Center member input and program evaluation." These procedures are discussed below.


A variety of tools are employed to ensure that the array of programs offered at Mastick Senior Center are well-balanced and reflect the needs and request of members. Currently, over 100 weekly programs are offered in the areas of health, education, and recreation providing an opportunity for life-long learning and an outlet for social engagement. Classes are introduced, evaluated and monitored using the following practices:

* Three Suggestion Boxes are available for program feedback and suggestions. The Suggestion Boxes are located in the Media Room, Social Hall, and online at, which is listed on the last page of the monthly newsletter and is a link on the Mastick website.

* Staff is available on-site at the Center and offers an "open door" policy. Feedback is welcomed and received throughout the day.

* Before classes are arranged and offer...

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