Recommendation to Implement an Automated Red Light Enforcement Pilot Program at the Two Intersections of Park Street and Otis Drive and Webster Street and Atlantic Avenue. (Police 10031100)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
The City of Alameda (City) Police Department (APD) received a referral from the City Council on November 6, 2024 to investigate the feasibility of implementing an automated red light camera enforcement program within the City. Based on research regarding regional agency experience with automated enforcement, industry contacts, potential vendors, and a review of other research, a summary of staff conclusions regarding a new potential red light system is provided below:
* The implementation of these systems is governed by Sections 21455.5, 21455.6, and 21455.7 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC).
* The CVC dictates that APD must manage automated enforcement.
* Each location identified for automated enforcement must be approved by the City Council and have an identifiable safety need.
* These programs have the potential to be revenue-neutral, depending on the number of violations and fine payment compliance.
* Each violation must be reviewed and approved by an APD staff member.
* The majority of automated red light enforcement cameras are also capable of automated speed enforcement, should that become legislatively approved in California in the future.
* Due to the nature of automated red light enforcement, all videos of vehicles, including the faces of occupants, must be recorded and retained until the violation is adjudicated in court.
Given these factors, staff recommends implementing an automated red light enforcement pilot program at the two intersections of Park St./Otis Dr. and Webster St./Atlantic Ave. based on red light violations/collisions, level of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and geographic equity. This program will require additional ...
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