File #: 2024-4464   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Public Art Commission
On agenda: 10/21/2024
Title: Recommendation to Accept the Public Art Biennial Work Plan
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Alameda Public Art Master Plan, 2. Exhibit 2 - Public Art Ordinance, AMC Section 30-98, 3. Exhibit 3 - Biennial Work Plan Presentation

Recommendation to Accept the Public Art Biennial Work Plan


To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Public Art Commission

October 16, 2023, the Public Art Commission (the "PAC") accepted the Public Art Master Plan draft and recommended that City Council approve. On December 19, 2023, the Alameda City Council adopted the Public Art Master Plan (the "Plan", Exhibit 1). The Plan provides consistent policy guidance and allows for the effective pursuit of medium and long-term public art priorities in Alameda. This staff report outlines the Plan's Five-Year Action Plan, its relationship to actual Public Art Program activities, and proposes a Biennial Work Plan for the next two years, a required action of the Plan. The aim of the Biennial Work Plan is to balance limited staff capacity and resources with the demand for continued, often multi-year administration for both cultural arts and physical art grants.

The City of Alameda's (City's) Public Art Program (the "Program") began in 2003 with the adoption of Alameda Municipal Code Section 30-98 (the "Ordinance", Exhibit 2), which requires commercial, industrial, and municipal development projects costing $250,000 or more to devote one percent (1%) of building development costs for public art in the City. As development has come online over the years, the Public Art Fund (Fund) balance has grown, increasing Program activities. To date, the Program's core activities include but are not limited to:

* Issuing and administering grants for cultural arts programming and physical art,
* Facilitating the review of on-site public artwork,
* Managing and maintaining the public art collection,
* Staffing the Public Art Commission (the "PAC"), and
* Other activities such as disseminating Public Art updates via an email newsletter, writing talking points for Commissioners, developing Program materials and resources.

In December 2020, Base Reuse and Economic Development Department (BREDD...

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