File #: 2017-4423   
Type: New Business
Body: Recreation and Park Commission
On agenda: 6/8/2017
Title: Review and Recommend the Krusi Park Recreation Center Design
Attachments: 1. Krusi Park Recreation Center Design

Review and Recommend the Krusi Park Recreation Center Design


To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Recreation and Park Commission

From: Amy Wooldridge, Recreation and Parks Director

Re: Review and Recommend the Krusi Park Recreation Center Design


The East Bay Regional Park District's (EBRPD) Measure WW was approved by the voters in November 2008 and provides each agency in the EBRPD jurisdiction with a per capita allocation of funding. Based on the allocation formula, the City of Alameda is eligible for a total of $3,465,489 in Measure WW funds. These monies must be expended by the end of 2018. In early 2010, the Recreation and Park Commission recommended, and the City Council subsequently approved, replacement of the Krusi Park recreation center with Measure WW funding in the amount of $1,365,489.

On September 18, 2012, City Council approved and adopted the Krusi Park Recreation Center plans and authorized a call for bids. Following the public bid process, the lowest bid exceeded the available funding by 43%, not including contingencies. The estimated budget was $1,370,000 and the lowest bid was $1,940,000. On February 5, 2013, the City Council rejected all bids for the Krusi Park Recreation Center project.


Since 2013, staff has worked on several options to determine the most cost effective solution that will produce a recreation center for the Krusi Park users and community for decades to come. It was determined that a pre-fabricated, modular building was a cost effective and durable solution for long-term maintenance. The recreation centers at both Washington Park and Bayport Park are modular buildings and have served the community well for after school and tiny tots programs as well as rental facilities.

Group4 Architecture, which was a subconsultant for the original design team and whose staff is familiar with the Krusi Park project, was retained and has developed this design.

The proposed building is a n...

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