File #: 2018-5046   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 1/16/2018
Title: Recommendation to Adopt Draft City of Alameda Transportation Choices Plan. (Transportation 91625)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - REDLINE Draft Transportation Choices Plan, 2. Exhibit 1 - FINAL Transportation Choices Plan, 3. Exhibit 2 - Public Comments, 4. Correspondence - Updated 1-16

Recommendation to Adopt Draft City of Alameda Transportation Choices Plan. (Transportation 91625)

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: Jill Keimach, City Manager

Re: Recommendation to Adopt Draft City of Alameda Transportation Choices Plan


On November 7, 2017, the City Council reviewed the Draft Transportation Choices Plan after receiving input from the Planning Board on September 25, 2017, the Transportation Commission on September 27, 2017, and 2 years of community process and review. The City Council directed staff to return to a subsequent City Council meeting for final approval of a Draft Plan that shows a redline version and a final copy clean version as a consent item. At tonight's City Council meeting, City staff is requesting that the City Council approve the Draft Transportation Choices Plan (Exhibit 1), which incorporates comments received at the November 7, 2017 City Council meeting. The revisions to the Draft Plan are shown in the redline version (Exhibit 1), and are summarized in the Discussion section below in this staff report.

The Transportation Choices Plan tackles transportation issues with a comprehensive citywide approach by providing more transportation options for Alamedans with the goal of reducing thousands of drive alone trips at the crossings and through Alameda over the next 15 years. The purpose of the Transportation Choices Plan is to help ensure that the City sustains its high quality of life during a time of current and anticipated population and employment growth throughout the Bay Area region. During this two year citywide planning effort, the City and the consultant team identified numerous diverse and scalable opportunities for strategic transportation investment and coordination with transit operators to provide Alamedans with enhanced transportation options and safety while reducing congestion, our carbon footprint and air pollution.

The Transportation C...

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