PLN25-0067 - 802 Buena Vista Avenue - Applicant: Rajiv Jain. Public hearing to consider: (1) a Certificate of Approval to allow the demolition of an existing 1,466 square foot one-story residential building built prior to 1942 to facilitate the construction of a new 3,179 square foot two-story residential building; and (2) to remove the property from the Historical Building Study List. General Plan: Medium-Density Residential. Zoning: R-2 Residential District. CEQA Determination: This project is exempt from further environmental review as a Class 1 categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(l) - Existing facilities - demolition and removal of individual small structures listed in this subdivision; (1) one single-family residence, and on a separate and independent basis, as a Class 32 categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - In-Fill Development Project consistent with the applicable general plan designation and zoning regulations. No exceptions to the exemptions apply.
March 6, 2025
PLN25-0067 - 802 Buena Vista Avenue - Applicant: Rajiv Jain. Public hearing to consider: (1) a Certificate of Approval to allow the demolition of an existing 1,466 square foot one-story residential building built prior to 1942 to facilitate the construction of a new 3,179 square foot two-story residential building; and (2) to remove the property from the Historical Building Study List. General Plan: Medium-Density Residential. Zoning: R-2 Residential District. CEQA Determination: This project is exempt from further environmental review as a Class 1 categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(l) - Existing facilities - demolition and removal of individual small structures listed in this subdivision; (1) one single-family residence, and on a separate and independent basis, as a Class 32 categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332...
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