Staff Communications (Discussion)
2024 Major City Council actions on items reviewed by the Transportation Commission:
* 10/1: Receive an update on the construction impacts of the Oakland Alameda Access Project
* 10/1: Consider approving parking pay station and mobile payment contract, and discuss ferry terminal parking pricing strategy
* 9/17: Approved Central Avenue construction contract
* 9/17: Discussed Neighborhood Greenways implementation strategy and directed staff to keep all but two of the Slow Streets barricades in place until Neighborhood Greenway/Central Ave implementation, and to use San Francisco-style paddle signs for improved communication, where appropriate.
* 9/17: Accepted a grant for the Oakland Alameda Estuary Bridge waterways study
* 9/17: Accepted a State earmark for Lincoln/Marshall/Pacific design
* 5/7: Approved a construction contract for 2024 pavement program
* 5/7: Approved a construction contract for Lincoln Ave/Walnut St
* 3/19: Accepted the Transportation 2023 Annual Report and 2024 Work Plan
* 2/6: Authorized agreements to implement the Estuary Water Shuttle Service
Note: these are brief, descriptive highlights. See meeting agendas, videos, and minutes for the full details and record of City Council decisions: https://alameda.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
Upcoming Transportation Commission meetings:
* November 20
Potential Transportation Commission agenda topics for upcoming meetings:
* Fernside Traffic Calming & Street Resurfacing Project: Final Design Concept
* 2025 Transportation Commission calendar (with consideration of a monthly calendar)
* Subregional sea level rise adaptation project
September 14 Family Fun Ride Around Alameda
September 18 Stargell Ave Public Workshop, Bayport Recreation Center
September 25 Transportation 10...
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