File #: 2015-1650   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 5/12/2015
Title: Recommendation to Provide Direction on the Selection of an Executive Search Firm for the City Manager Recruitment Process. (Human Resources 2510)
Recommendation to Provide Direction on the Selection of an Executive Search Firm for the City Manager Recruitment Process. (Human Resources 2510)

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: Elizabeth Warmerdam, Interim City Manager

Re: Request for Direction from Council on the Selection of an Executive Search Firm for the City Manager Recruitment Process


Council asked to meet with professional executive search firms to discuss their qualifications and the procedure for hiring a new City Manager. On April 29, 2015, Council heard presentations from Avery & Associates and Bob Murray & Associates regarding their processes and qualifications. Staff is now seeking a recommendation on which firm the Council would like to choose to handle the City Manager recruitment process for the City of Alameda.


Avery & Associates' proposal included a professional fee of $18,900, along with a not-to-exceed estimate of $6,000 for expenses, for a total fee of $24,900.

Bob Murray & Associates' proposal included a professional fee of $17,500, along with an estimate of expenses of $6,900, for a total of $24,400. These expense costs were an estimate, not a "not-to exceed", which means that $6,900 was only an estimate and that these expenses could possibly exceed $6,900.

If Council makes a decision this evening, staff will enter into a contract with the approved firm. That firm will then come back at a later meeting to discuss a process and timeline for the Alameda City Manager recruitment.


The proposals received ranged in cost from $24,400 to $24,900. Existing appropriations in the City Manager's Department budget are available to pay for this contract.


This item is for information only. This action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3).


Staff recommends that Cou...

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