File #: 2024-4420   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Transportation Commission
On agenda: 9/25/2024
Title: Presentation on the Pavement Management Program for Alameda (Discussion)
Attachments: 1. Presentation - Alameda Pavement Management, 2. Exhibit 1 - Alameda PMP Final Report 2023

Presentation on the Pavement Management Program for Alameda (Discussion)

To: Members of the Transportation Commission


Staff will present an informational item on the Pavement Management Program for the City of Alameda. Basic pavement concepts, funding considerations, and process for street selection will be presented.


The City of Alameda has 128 centerline miles of roadway providing access to all properties and businesses on the island. Maintaining the roadway network is central to the livability and economic vitality of the island. In addition, with a replacement value in excess of $440,000,000, Alameda's roadway network is one of the City's most valuable assets. The City's streets are considered in fair to good condition, however, the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) has fallen from 72 in 2018 to is current value of 68. Years of underinvestment in the paving program have created a deferred maintenance backlog of over $50,000,000.

The City's pavement management program consists of slurry, and cape seal projects, overlays, and major roadway reconstruction. As part of Public Works three year paving plan, the City has been divided into thirds and projects will rotate throughout the City. At this time, roads within Alameda Point are addressed separately and will be incorporated into the overall program following redevelopment. For the remainder of the island, locations and treatments are finalized early in the year, designed and bid on in the spring, and constructed during the summer. Staff will present some of the many considerations involved in the selection process including street classification (arterial vs. residential), pavement condition, type and nature of the pavement distress, and consideration of available funding.

This major construction program will treat approximately 3.5 or more miles of street per year with asphalt concrete, slurry seal, cape seal, or other rehabilitation method. Work may include ...

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