File #: 2021-1390   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Recreation and Park Commission
On agenda: 11/18/2021
Title: Discuss Commissioner Assignments to Observe Parks and Programs

Discuss Commissioner Assignments to Observe Parks and Programs


To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Recreation and Park Commission

From: Amy Wooldridge, Recreation and Parks Director

Re: Discuss Commissioner Assignments to Observe Parks and Programs


In previous years, the Recreation and Parks Commissioners discussed the need for true engagement with the community and the Alameda Recreation and Parks Department (ARPD) programs. Previous Commissioner efforts and initiatives included:

* Attend events, Council meetings, Planning Board, Disability Commission and other key city meetings where parks interests are involved. Speak at City Council meetings on issues when the whole Commission approves a message.
* Make sure parks are represented and communicate the message that parks and this Commission are relevant in the community. This was done through a "Commission Roadshow" in which Commissioners made presentations about ARPD programs and the Commission to various Alameda service organizations.
* Better understand infrastructure of parks system and programs.
* Truly represent the people who use the parks and programs. Be stronger representatives of those users.
* Be involved with parks, projects and recreation programs. Attend ARPD events and visit various parks and programs.


Below is a list of specific parks and programs that Commissioners may sign up to attend and visit. Commissioners would then spend time there, observe, talk to people and report back at meetings on what Commissioners observed and learned.
Below is the list of specific parks, programs and facilities for Commissioners to choose for their assignments:
Parks and Facilities

* Lincoln Park (including Harrison Center)
* Washington Park (including the dog park)
* Littlejohn Park
* Franklin Park
* Woodstock Park
* Krusi Park
* Leydecker Park
* Encinal Boat Launch Facility and Grand Street Boat Ramp
* Bill Osborne Model Airplane Field
* Cityview Skate Pa...

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