PLN22-0271 - 916 Union Street - Applicant: Derek Turner of Qualtek for DISH Wireless. Public hearing to consider Design Review to allow the construction of a 13 foot tall penthouse that is approximately 64-square-feet in size to conceal six wireless antennas and related telecommunications equipment on the roof of an existing four-story apartment building. The project is located within an R-4 Neighborhood Residential zoning district. The project qualifies for categorical exemptions pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(e) - additions to existing structures and 15303 - new construction or conversion of small structures. None of the exceptions to the categorical exemptions apply
To: Honorable President
and Members of the Planning Board
From: Andrew Thomas,
Planning, Building and Transportation Director
In 2020, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved a merger between two of the four major wireless telecommunications service providers in the United States. As part of that decision, the FCC identified a new service provider, DISH Wireless, to fill the role of the fourth major provider of wireless services. DISH Wireless is now deploying its wireless network across the US.
On May 26, 2022, Derek Turner, representing DISH Wireless, submitted an application for Design Review approval for three rooftop structures to conceal wireless telecommunications equipment to be installed on the roof of an existing 4-story apartment building at 916 Union Street.
On June 23, 2022, after a review of the project, Planning staff issued a 10-day public notice to approve the Design Review at staff level. Due to public comments received, the applicant subsequently revised the project to consolidate the original proposal for three 8-foot tall, 18-square-foot structures into one 13-foot-tall, 64-square-foot structure and relocated it to be away from the neighbors. Staff delayed its decision on the Design Review due to th...
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