File #: 2025-4815   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 3/18/2025
Title: Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Regarding the Formulation and Implementation of Sister City Relations Between the Village of Wadi Foquin, Palestinian Territories and the City of Alameda. (City Manager 10021030)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Wadi Foquin MOU, 2. Exhibit 2: Sister City International Letter of Support, 3. Resolution, 4. Correspondence - Updated 3/18, 5. Additional Correspondence, 6. Alameda Sister City Association Slides, 7. Submittals
Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Regarding the Formulation and Implementation of Sister City Relations Between the Village of Wadi Foquin, Palestinian Territories and the City of Alameda. (City Manager 10021030)

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager


The Alameda Sister Cities Association (ASCA) recommends consideration of the attached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Village of Wadi Foquin and the City of Alameda (City).

The relationship between the two cities began in 2009, through a partnership established by the Buena Vista United Methodist Church. Reverend Michael Yoshii chairs ASCA's Wadi Foquin Sister City Committee and is committed to implementing the friendly exchange of programs between the two cities and carrying out the day-to-day work of a Sister City relationship. At this time, staff seeks City Council approval of the attached resolution, authorizing the Mayor to sign an MOU regarding the formulation and implementation of Sister City relations between the Village of Wadi Foquin and the City.


The City's Sister City program works to promote cultural understanding and cooperation with cities around the world and strengthen international partnerships at the municipal and person-to-person levels. Currently, Alameda has four Sister Cities and one Friendship City, all linked through formal agreements [MOUs and Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs)]:

Alameda's Sister City program is a partnership between the City and ASCA, a local 501c3 nonprofit organization established in 2009. ASCA is a member of Sister Cities International, an organization dedicated to promoting peace through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation - one individual, one community at a time. Before ASCA's formation, Alameda's Sister City program was facilitated by the Social Services Human Relations Board (SSHRB) and its ded...

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