Recommendation to Approve Findings to Allow City Meetings to be Conducted via Teleconference. (City Clerk 10022020)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Every 30 days, the City Council must make certain findings to allow members of the City Council, Boards, and Commissions to continue to participate in City of Alameda (City) meetings via teleconference without meeting certain Brown Act requirements.
The City has been allowing City Council, Board, and Commission members to participate in meetings via teleconference since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On September 16, 2021, the Governor signed Assembly Bill No. 361 - Open Meetings: State and Local Agencies (AB 361), taking effect immediately, authorizing local agencies to conduct meetings via teleconference without complying with certain requirements imposed by the Brown Act. The Bill does not address whether members of the public attend the meetings in person or via teleconference. On October 5, 2021, the City Council adopted an urgency ordinance suspending certain provisions of the Sunshine Ordinance and made the findings required by AB 361. The City Council made the required findings on November 2 and 16, 2021, December 7, 2021, January 4, 2022, February 1, 2022, March 1 and 15, 2022, April 5, 2022, May 3 and 17, 2022, June 6, 2022, July 5 and 12, 2022, August 9, 2022, September 6, 2022, October 4, 2022, November 1 and 15, 2022.
This agenda report is being presented again so City Council, Board members, and Commissioners can continue to participate via teleconference, notwithstanding certain provisions of the Brown Act and the City's Sunshine Ordinance. The matter will return on January 3, 2022.
AB 361 requires the City Council to make findings (set forth below) every 30 days to continue allowing members to participate in meetings via teleconference without complying with certain requirements imposed by the Brown Act...
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