Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Fourth Amendment to the Agreement with CDM Smith to Increase Compensation by $300,000 for a Total Aggregate Compensation Not-to-Exceed $1,660,633, to Continue Engineering Support for the Clement Avenue Safety Improvement Project.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this Project is Categorically Exempt Under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) Existing Facilities (Minor Alterations to Existing Facilities Including Bicycle Facilities) and Section 15304(h) (Minor Alterations to Land and the Creation of Bicycle Lanes on Existing Public Rights of Way). (Transportation 20962740)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
Staff is requesting that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Fourth Amendment of the CDM Smith contract to allow for continued Caltrans coordination, design work and construction engineering on the Clement Avenue Safety Improvement Project.
The City of Alameda (City) has been working for several years on a redesign of Clement Avenue and the Cross Alameda Trail between Alameda Point and the Miller-Sweeney Bridge. Most of the trail is complete, parts are under construction, and parts are still in the planning phase. The Cross Alameda Trail and the Clement Avenue Safety Improvement Project support City Council adopted policies regarding Vision Zero, greenhouse gas reduction and transportation mode shift. The City Council has taken a series of actions over the years to improve the corridor, including the following:
* In October 2016, City Council approved a successful federal grant application for over $5 million for the proposed safety improvements on Clement Avenue.
* In June 2017, City Council approved $641,000 from local and federal funding sources for Fiscal Years (FY) 2017-2019 for Clement Avenue project approvals, environmental review and prel...
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