PLN24-0614 - 800 Atlantic Avenue - Applicant: City of Alameda Recreation & Parks Department - Public Workshop to discuss Design Review and Use Permit for the proposed Alameda Aquatic Center. The project is located at the western end of the Jean Sweeny Open Space Park near the intersection of Wilma Chan Way and Atlantic Avenue. CEQA Determination: The project is subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act. No final action on the environmental review, Design Review, or Use Permit will take place at this meeting.
To: Honorable President and Members of the Planning Board
From: Steven Buckley, Planning Board Secretary
The project is located at the western end of the Jean Sweeny Open Space Park near the intersection of Wilma Chan Way and Atlantic Avenue (Exhibit 1). The property is designated as Public Parks & Open Space by the General Plan and located within the Open Space zoning district. The Open Space District requires Use Permit and Design Review approval by the Planning Board to construct the Aquatic Center buildings on the project site. A lot-line adjustment map has also been filed, which is approved by the Planning Director and City Engineer, and is required to reconfigure the parcel lines at this portion of the Jean Sweeny Park property.
Since late 2022, the City Council has taken several actions to advance the project, including site selection, funding options, design concepts, and contracting agreements. The project has undergone extensive community input, as well.
One December 9, 2024, the Planning Board held a workshop to review the initial design of the Aquatic Center. The applicant received feedback from the Planning Board and the public on the proposed project.
Since the December 2024 Planning Board meeting, the applicant has made modifications to the project design in order to meet the anticipated budget. The applicant has also made modifications to address comments received from the Planning Board du...
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