Adoption of Resolution Continuing the Declaration of the Existence of a Local Emergency in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Consistent with Government Code Section 8630(c). (City Manager 2110)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
THE COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact communities around the world, including Alameda. Section 3-12 of the City Charter authorizes the City Council, with a 4/5 vote, to adopt, as an urgency measure, an ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public health or safety without following the procedures otherwise required prior to adoption of an ordinance. Government Code Section 36937 allows a city, including a charter city, to adopt an urgency ordinance to take effect immediately upon its adoption for the preservation of the public peace, health or safety upon a finding of facts constituting the urgency thereof.
On March 17, 2020, the City Council declared a local emergency through an urgency ordinance, which allowed staff to expeditiously respond to such emergency circumstances. On April 7, 2020, the City Council extended the declaration of a local emergency to be consistent with the duration of the State's Emergency Declaration and directed staff to continue to respond appropriately to such declaration. Since that time, staff has regularly presented the City Council items related to the City of Alameda's (City) response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Government Code Section 8630(c) requires that, "the governing body shall review the need for continuing the local emergency at least once every 60 days until the governing body terminates the local emergency." Accordingly, in June, September, November 2020, January 2021, and March 2021, the City Council adopted a resolution continuing the declaration of a local emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The City Council must review the need for continuing the local emergency at least once every 60 days. The April 20, 2021 m...
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