File #: 2024-3577   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 2/6/2024
Title: Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute Three Agreements to Implement the Estuary Water Shuttle Pilot Project: (1) Agreement between City of Alameda and San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority for Shuttle Operations, (2) Lease Agreement between City of Alameda and Big Yellow Boat, LLC concerning the Vessel to be Used for Shuttle Operations, and (3) Funding Agreement between City of Alameda and Alameda Transportation Management Association to Transfer Financial Contributions from Private Businesses and Associations to the City of Alameda. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is exempt from environmental review under the Common-Sense Exemption: "Where it can be Seen with Certainty that there is No Possibility that the Activity in Question May Have a Significant Effect on the Environment, the Activity is Not Subject to CEQA" (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3)). (Planning, Building and Transportatio...
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Map of Planned Water Shuttle Service, 2. Exhibit 2: Operations Agreement, 3. Exhibit 3: Lease Agreement, 4. Exhibit 4: Funding Agreement

Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute Three Agreements to Implement the Estuary Water Shuttle Pilot Project: (1) Agreement between City of Alameda and San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority for Shuttle Operations, (2) Lease Agreement between City of Alameda and Big Yellow Boat, LLC concerning the Vessel to be Used for Shuttle Operations, and (3) Funding Agreement between City of Alameda and Alameda Transportation Management Association to Transfer Financial Contributions from Private Businesses and Associations to the City of Alameda.
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this action is exempt from environmental review under the Common-Sense Exemption: "Where it can be Seen with Certainty that there is No Possibility that the Activity in Question May Have a Significant Effect on the Environment, the Activity is Not Subject to CEQA" (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3)). (Planning, Building and Transportation 20962742)

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager


This report follows a June 2023 report where City Council accepted and appropriated $1,000,000 in grant funding from the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) and appropriated the City's $150,000 contribution for a two-year water shuttle pilot program. Since early 2022, the City of Alameda's (City) transportation planning staff has worked with a partnership of private businesses and associations in Alameda and Oakland, and the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) (the "Partnership") to initiate a free public water shuttle service between Oakland and Alameda. Together, the Partnership met regularly and developed a plan for a two-year limited pilot program that will be funded primarily with private funding, along with grant funding and City funding. This free water shuttle service, operated by WETA, will be Ame...

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