Recommendation to Accept the Notice of Completion for the Lincoln Park Playground Replacement Project.
This action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (Repair, maintenance and/or minor alteration of an existing facility). (Recreation 10051400)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
The Lincoln Park playgrounds (one for children under age 5 and one for children ages 5 - 12) were replaced in November 2022 after a large oak tree fell on the large playground during a major storm event in 2021 that damaged it beyond repair. The project was funded by a State of California Prop 68 Per Capita Grant, General Fund, a donation from the Alameda Friends of the Parks Foundation and funds from a major community fundraising effort.
Staff held a community design input meeting on February 28, 2022 with over 100 people in attendance and posted an online survey for design input. On March 10, 2022, the Recreation and Parks Commission approved the final design and on April 19, 2022, the City Council approved the purchase of the playground equipment from Landscape Structures Inc.
The installation of playground equipment for the two areas, one for children under age 5 and one for children ages 5 - 12, was completed by G&G Builders, contracted under CUPCCAA (California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act). This allows for public project work under $200,000 to use the informal bidding procedures as outlined in the City of Alameda (City) Purchasing Policy.
Park Maintenance Division staff installed a centerpiece climbable lion at the front of the playground area.
The playgrounds were completed and open to the public on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 and have been well received by the community. The playgrounds were certified by a National Playground Safety Inspector and also inspected by Recreation and Parks Department staff. Th...
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