File #: 2024-3932   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 4/8/2024
Title: PLN23-0328 - Sherman Street and Clement Avenue - Del Monte Townhomes -Development Plan, Design Review, Tentative Map - Applicant: Mike O'Hara on behalf of Tim Lewis Communities, LLC. Public hearing to consider a Development Plan, Design Review, and Tentative Map Tract 8674 to develop 10 townhome units in sub-area C of Del Monte Warehouse Master Plan. General Plan Designation: Mixed Use. Zoning Designations: M-X-MF, Mixed Use Planned Development District with Multi-family Residential Combining District & M-1-PD-MF, Intermediate Industrial (Manufacturing) and Planned Development Zoning District with Multi-family Residential Combining District. CEQA Determination: Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - Infill Development.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 Project Plans, 2. Exhibit 2 Draft Resolution – Development Plan and Design Review, 3. Exhibit 3 Draft Resolution – Tentative Map

PLN23-0328 - Sherman Street and Clement Avenue - Del Monte Townhomes -Development Plan, Design Review, Tentative Map - Applicant: Mike O'Hara on behalf of Tim Lewis Communities, LLC. Public hearing to consider a Development Plan, Design Review, and Tentative Map Tract 8674 to develop 10 townhome units in sub-area C of Del Monte Warehouse Master Plan. General Plan Designation: Mixed Use. Zoning Designations: M-X-MF, Mixed Use Planned Development District with Multi-family Residential Combining District & M-1-PD-MF, Intermediate Industrial (Manufacturing) and Planned Development Zoning District with Multi-family Residential Combining District. CEQA Determination: Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 - Infill Development.


To: Honorable President and Members of the Planning Board

From: Steven Buckley, Secretary to the Board and Planning Services Manager
In 2014, the City of Alameda adopted the Del Monte Warehouse Master Plan ("Master Plan") and a Development Agreement for the 11.06 acre property where the Del Monte Warehouse is located. The Master Plan approved 414 total dwelling units across the entire master plan area and divided the property into three developable sub-areas (A, B, and C). See page 24 of the Master Plan, which can be accessed online at:
Also in 2014, the City approved a Design Review, Planned Development and Density Bonus application submitted by TL Partners, I, LP ("TLP") for the rehabilitation and re-use of the historic Del Monte Warehouse within sub-area A, which included 308 new townhomes and condominium units and approximately 30,000 square feet of commercial space. The Master Plan also established the affordable housing requirement at 55 deed restricted affordable units, based on a unit count of 414 total units in the Master Plan. 31 of the units were identified as low- and very low-income units an...

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