PLN21-0468/PLN21-0469 - Certificates of Approval - 2263 Santa Clara Avenue/950 West Mall Square - Applicant: City of Alameda. Public hearing to consider Certificate of Approval applications to allow the conversion of lawn to drought-tolerant landscaping at the grounds of City Hall and City Hall West. Pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 13-21.5 a Certificate of Approval by the Historical Advisory Board is required for alterations to Historic Monuments including trees and plantings. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(b) - Minor Alterations to Land, which consists of new gardening or landscaping, including the replacement of existing landscaping with water-efficient landscaping
To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Historical Advisory Board
On September 7, 2021, the City Council directed the Public Works Department to implement strategies that reduce water use at City facilities as a response to the current severe drought. One strategy supported by the City Council is the conversion of existing landscaping at City Hall and City Hall West, among other City owned buildings, from large areas of turf that require heavy watering to more drought-tolerant plantings that conserve water.
City Hall and City Hall West are Historic Monuments designated by the City Council, and under AMC Section 13-21.5, any alterations to Historic Monuments, including changes to "trees and plantings" require a Certificate of Approval by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB). Per this requirement, the City is seeking HAB approval of a Certificate of Approval to convert the lawns at City Hall and City Hall West to a drought-tolerant landscape design. If approved, the lawn conversion will proceed according to lawn conversion landscaping guidelines established by the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), for which rebates are available to the City for implementing und...
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