Recommendation to Authorize the Purchase of One Replacement Trailered Pump and Four Replacement Police Motorcycles Consistent with the Revised Vehicle Replacement Policy in Amounts Not-to-Exceed $124,238.47 from Thomas & Associates, $79,019.16 from Oakland Harley Davidson and $80,710.70 from National Auto Fleet Group. (Public Works 60141581)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
One trailered pump for sewer operations and four police motorcycles require replacement due to age and condition. City Council previously appropriated funds from the Sewer Enterprise and Vehicle Replacement Funds to make these replacement purchases. Staff performed competitive solicitations for the trailered pump and Harley Davidson Motorcycles. Two BMW Motorcycles can be purchased from National Auto Fleet Group using Sourcewell, a cooperative purchasing agency that the City of Alameda (City) participates in. Staff recommends City Council authorize purchases in amounts not-to-exceed, $124,238.47 from Thomas & Associates for one replacement trailered pump, $79,019.16 for two replacement police motorcycles from Oakland Harley Davidson and $80,710.70 for two BMW replacement police motorcycles.
On November 5, 2019, staff brought to City Council a revised Administrative Policy and Procedure Number 48, Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Policy. The Fleet Replacement Policy is consistent with the City's recently adopted Climate Action and Resiliency Plan and emphasizes greenhouse gas emission reductions. The revised policy focuses on right-sizing the City fleet, the purchase of electric vehicles when feasible, and lowering the fleet's emissions through acquisition of low emission vehicles.
In accordance with City Administrative Instruction Number 5 (Purchasing Policy), the purchase of vehicles must be done through a competitive solicitation with a formal bid for transactions estimated to exc...
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