Alameda Active Transportation Plan Update: Community Survey Results
Executive Summary
Last year, the City embarked on updating its decades-old Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans as one combined Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The goal of the project, launched in August 2019, is to bring the City's plans into alignment with current best practices and the City's existing infrastructure and development, and to create a roadmap for a safer, more walkable and bikeable city.
To help inform the ATP recommendations, the City's consultant team conducted a statistically-significant survey among City residents age 16 and older at the end of 2019. The main goal of this research was to learn about residents' walking and bicycling attitudes and behaviors. The results of the survey were used in the development of the draft recommendations for the plan goals, the bicycle and pedestrian networks, and programs and policies. The survey results are being presented to the Transportation Commission now as an informational item.
In mid-August, the City concluded an intensive community outreach process to gather input on the Plan draft recommendations for the vision and goals, pedestrian and bicycle networks, programs and policies, draft concept plans for three major streets, and prioritization. These draft recommendations were presented at the Transportation Commission's last meeting, in July. Community input is now being reviewed, and the team is working on revising the recommendations, and developing the prioritization criteria and implementation plan. The full draft Plan will be presented to the community for input in early 2021, with Council adoption expected in Spring 2021.
The project team used many inputs to develop the draft recommendations: community input; collision, level of stress and demand analyses; and the community survey. The team developed and conducted the statistically-significant community survey in November and December 2019 of 500 comm...
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