File #: 2025-4864   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 4/1/2025
Title: Adoption of Resolution Amending the Alameda Municipal Power Unrepresented Salary Schedule Effective April 6, 2025, to Reflect an Approximately 20% Increase to the Assistant General Manager - Administration, an Approximately 13% Increase to the Assistant General Manager - Customer & Energy Resources, and an Approximately 25% to the Assistant General Manager - Engineering & Operations Classifications. (Human Resources 10025060)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1: Unrepresented Salary Schedule, 2. Exhibit 2: Total Compensation Surveys, 3. Resolution
Adoption of Resolution Amending the Alameda Municipal Power Unrepresented Salary Schedule Effective April 6, 2025, to Reflect an Approximately 20% Increase to the Assistant General Manager - Administration, an Approximately 13% Increase to the Assistant General Manager - Customer & Energy Resources, and an Approximately 25% to the Assistant General Manager - Engineering & Operations Classifications. (Human Resources 10025060)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager


The Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) Assistant General Manager - Engineering & Operations (AGM - E&O) position was recently vacated as the incumbent accepted a role with a competitor agency. In preparation for recruitment, Human Resources (HR) reviewed the salary for this role along with the Assistant General Manager - Customer & Energy Resources (AGM - C&E) and Assistant General Manager - Administration (AGM - Admin) classifications.

A total compensation survey of comparable cities with electric utilities found all three classifications significantly below the market median. To remain competitive and attract qualified candidates, it is recommended to increase the AGM - E&O salary by approximately 25%, the AGM - C&E salary by approximately 13%, and the AGM - Admin salary by approximately 20%. These adjustments for all three positions result in a total annual increase of $146,000. The estimated impact on the AMP FY2024-25 budget is 0.04% of the total operating budget and 0.2% of the total labor budget, with minimal overall impact.

The updated Unrepresented Employees Salary Schedule is provided in Exhibit 1, and the compensation survey summary is attached as Exhibit 2.


A critical function of Human Resources is to regularly collect compensation data, analyze classification compensation against internal and external factors, and assess competitive standing with comparable organizations. The total compensation review ...

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