Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Second Amendment to the Service Provider Agreement with CDM Smith to Extend the Term by Three Years and Increase Compensation by $2,200,000, Including Contingencies, for a Total Aggregate Compensation Not to Exceed $2,572,928, to Complete the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) and the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project; and
Adoption of Resolution Adopting Caltrans' Local Assistance Procedures Manual Chapter 10 for Consultant Selection. (Transportation 4227287)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
In February 2016, the City Council approved the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project to construct bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements and reconfigure the lane striping for a 1.7 mile segment of Central Avenue. The City Council directed staff to continue the design development process with Caltrans and to work with the neighboring community to refine the improvements planned for the Webster Street area.
To use the $10.8 million state and federal funds that the City of Alameda (City) has secured, the City must work with Caltrans to complete a Project Initiation Document (PID), a Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED), and Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E). CDM Smith currently is under contract to complete the PID, which is expected to be finished this fall.
This CDM Smith contract amendment is to complete the two Caltrans required pre-construction phases: the PA&ED and the PS&E. It also will support the continued design refinements for the Webster Street area options, the required environmental documents, and final construction drawings for the project. Funding is budgeted from Measures B/BB, a federal grant and the General Fund.
The purpose of the Central Avenue project is to make Central Avenue safer for people walking, bicycling, taking...
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