Adoption of Resolution Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 to Increase the Ambulance Transportation Fees to Match Alameda County Approved Fiscal Year 2024-25 Emergency Medical Services User Fee Schedule. (Fire 34240)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager
Under the terms of the Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Transport Services Agreement, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors is responsible for setting and approving any fees that apply to all Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers related to ambulance transport. On July 1, 2024, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors approved increased user fees for the County's EMS providers. The City can increase its fees to match the County's rates, under Section 10.2 of its current Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Transport Agreement with the County. These fee adjustments reflect a 10.5% increase and add approximately $65,000 to the FY2024-25 budget over the next three months.
The City of Alameda operates under a Master Fee Schedule (MFS) that outlines the fees and charges for services provided by various departments. The MFS ensures that the appropriate collection fee accurately supports the City's General Fund and other special revenue funds. Several fees included in the MFS are related to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) services provided by the Alameda Fire Department (AFD). The City's current MFS was adopted in July 2024 and includes the Alameda County (County) fees approved in July 2023 by the Alameda County Board of Directors. Historically, the County distributes approval letters for fee increases in mid-July, after the City has adopted its MFS each June as part of the budget approval process. Past practice has been for the City to then adopt the County approved fees as part of the next Fiscal Year budget approval, approximately 11-months after they are made available, thus not capturing the associated rev...
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