File #: 2014-311   
Type: Staff Communications
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 3/24/2014
Title: Future Agenda items
Future Agenda items
City of Alameda
Interdepartmental Memorandum
Date:      March 24, 2014
To:      Planning Board
From:      Andrew Thomas, AICP
City Planner
Re:      Staff Communications
Staff is currently working on the following development projects and major City initiatives, which will require Planning Board and/or City Council review.  The dates are tentative and subject to change:
Future Planning Board Agenda items:
Planning Board April 14, 2014
1.      Presentation on Plan for Phase Zero at Alameda Point
2.      Way Finding Signage at  Alameda Point
Planning Board April 28, 2014
1.      Del Monte Workshop
2.      Housing Element Workshop