File #: 2014-328   
Type: Minutes
Body: Planning Board
On agenda: 3/24/2014
Title: Draft Meeting Minutes for January 27, 2014
Draft Meeting Minutes for January 27, 2014
1. CONVENE:             7:02 p.m.
2. FLAG SALUTE:             Board member Knox White led the flag salute.
3. ROLL CALL:             President Burton,  Board members Knox White, Alvarez-Morroni, Zuppan, Tang and late arrival Köster.  Absent: Vice President Henneberry.
4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION: Staff requested 9.A. be heard after 6.
Board member Zuppan motioned to approve the agenda change.
Board member Alvarez-Morroni seconded.   
Motion carried, 5-0
9.  Staff  Communications
      9.A.      Building Department Update - Mr. Greg McFann, Building Official, provided and update to the Board on the customer service initiatives.  He gave a brief presentation.  
Each member thanked Mr. McFann. President Burton commended staff for the excellent level of customer service and professionalism given the bare-bones level of staffing the department.
      7.A.        Design Review Application PLN14-0009 for the Construction of a 3,640 square foot Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Building on a 25,245 square foot Site located at 1809 Grand Street. The proposed project is categorically exempt pursuant to CEQA guidelines 15332 In-fill Development Projects
Mr. Andrew Thomas, City Planner, provided a briefing on a new EOC and fire station 3. The design for this item was for the EOC only.
Mr. Chris Ford, Architect, provided a brief presentation on the design. He stated his team is present for questions, along with Fire Chief, Landscape Architect, and Public Works Director.
Board member Köster asked for a briefing on the color palettes. He asked about the design meeting the Essential Service standard.
Mr. Ford stated this the design is inline with state standards, and followed Title 24.
Board member Tang asked about updated features compared to other fire stations in Alameda.  
Mr. Ford stated if continuing as the architect for the fire station they will add modern detail to the building.
Board member Alvarez-Morroni asked about the seismic retrofit for the EOC.
Mr. Ford stated this particular site would be built to add 50% more retrofitting than the standard.
Board member Zuppan asked about the design being able to accommodate 50 persons, but there are only 11 parking spaces.  
Mr. Ford stated the intent was up to 50 people in emergency situations.  
Fire Chief D'Orozi commented that the parking design was for the day-to-day staff for the fire station, and in the case of activating the EOC, all bets are off for parking.  He stated the EOC will be encouraged for training.  
Board member Zuppan asked about the 100' communications tower.  She asked about the trees being removed and minimizing bird injuries with hitting the reflections of windows.
Mr. Ford stated they think the tower height would be around 50', like the police department, but once the design for the tower moves forward they won't know actual size, but this will be an independent tower and not on the roof.  He took the comment on tree impact to be incorporated into the design.  
Board member Köster asked about the neighbors directly touching the property and their comments.
Mr. Alex Nguyen, Assistant City Manager, stated the outreach was doubled to 600' around the site.  He and the Chief walked the neighborhood and handed out flyers.  He asked if any owners were present at the meeting.  He stated the comments were positive to having the building at this location.
Mr. Thomas requested Mr. Ford provide a briefing on the trees being removed and trees being planted at the location.   Mr. Ford provided detail on trees.
Board member Knox White commented on the way the building sits on the lot and how it interacts with the neighborhood. He asked why the big driveway, and why at this location.
Mr. Ford talked about the flow-thru from Hibbard to Grand Ave., entry on Hibbard and exit on Grand., and is a continuous route.  The idea was a smaller building by stacking the building, and dividing it into three zones.
Board member Knox White asked how often is the current EOC used.
Chief D'Orozi stated this EOC will be used much more then the current one, more than once per month.  
President Burton opened the meeting to public comment.  
Speaker Ms. Nadia Borisima, owns property against the site on Hibbard.  She stated this is the first time seeing the design and hasn't seen any environmental reports. She stated this is a very large facility and would cause substantial disturbance to residents.  They already have a truck route and now this big building.  She purchased the house five-years ago and if she had known this she wouldn't have bought her home.  She is concerned by chemicals proposed to be used, the hawk population in the trees, construction and traffic noise.
President Burton closed the item to public comment.
Board member Zuppan commented on the EIR stating there was nothing in the trees.  
Mr. Andrew Thomas, City Planner, stated when there was a site visit there were no nests in the trees, but any trees being removed need to be revisited by surveyor.
Mr. Bob Haun, Public Works Director, reported the city has a biologist on contract and the site will be surveyed next week.
President Burton reported this subject is item 8 on the condition of approval.
Board member Zuppan reiterated the bird hitting windows issue and this should be addressed.  She is concerned with the sight of the building in the neighborhood and the traffic / parking.
Board member Alvarez-Morroni thanked the speaker and suggested reviewing documents on the city website.  
Board member Tang asked if the Chief had attended any of the community meetings.
He asked about community outreach.  
Mr. Nguyen stated mailing went out, and flyers at houses were dropped off.
Mr. Thomas stated there was then another notice in the 300' radius to the site for this meeting.
Mr. Ford provided the presentations for all the community meetings from the last year.
Board member Köster stated this is a great project and well needed in the community, He is concerned about the landscape being minimal due to more parking.  He commented on the fencing / wall and costs.  
Mr. Ford explained the design of the fencing and wall and the input from the community.
President Burton asked about the wrought iron gates on Grand Ave., and why is this a gated facility.
Mr. Ford commented that station one has a gate that is opened all day and closed at night.  
Chief D'Orozi stated the gate at station one will be replaced soon with a security gate because there is a steady stream of people parking illegally and break-ins have occurred.  He strongly recommends the security gates.
Board member Köster commented on building hold a sense of civic pride and this feels very residential and the roof isn't seen.  He commented on seeing more detail on the building and the reception area being very small.  He commented on the windows for natural light, but there is no natural ventilation or light in bath areas. The rear of the building seems too plain, and the windows in the front seem odd.  
Board member Knox White asked about the state fire code and the design of the driveway and parking and can a responding vehicle share a driveway with parking.
Mr. Ford commented it isn't a state code issue, its more about control. If there is any kind of earthquake the emergency vehicles have to come out of the building and keeping the area clear for that is optimal.  The community input was for this type of design.
Board member Knox White asked about the cost of the new EOC, $2.5 million.
Mr. Nguyen stated yes.
Board member Knox White commented on the various designs, and spoke on the locked gates, parking, neighboring houses, and he stated this doesn't fit in the neighborhood.  There are at least six-seven parked fire vehicles at all times.  It seems strange the EOC is on the 2nd floor of the building.  He is uncomfortable with the no entrance on the front of the building.  He knows that the building at 1809 voiced concerned that the lights with vehicles leaving being an issue.  
Mr. Ford stated the neighbors had been talked to with where the lights would be in the neighbor's windows.  
Board member Knox White commented on why fire station one wasn't looked at for adding an EOC, they have the parking, the building is already there.  As a municipal building this should be looked at as a more welcoming building.  
Mr. Thomas reviewed the details seeking approval for this item.
Board member Knox White stated concerns with the 'site plan' vs. design review.  
Mr. Thomas explained the details of building on a vacant site.  He confirmed the appeal process after an approval by the Board.
President Burton commented on this site being too much paving and more landscape, whether there could be a shared exit.  He stated there should be a pedestrian walk from the street, safely.  He commented on the raised planters along side of the building, should be the same material as the building.  He stated the bike parking in the lobby seems inadequate and this isn't safe.  The scale of the building, the tall windows and smaller windows in the side could align with the band on the building would be a better design.  The panels on the back of the building could use a band also.  
Chief D'Orozi addressed the Board on the egress of the building can be changed.  He commented on the parking needs for day-to-day employees.
Mr. Ford commented on the upper drive way could be narrower, and parking could be stacked in an emergency.  He suggested a few changes that can be incorporated.  He stated moving the entrance to Grand Ave. wouldn't work nicely.  
Board member Köster asked about the uses being flipped.  
President Burton reported structurally a big span on the ground floor doesn't work.
Mr. Ford stated there is value with having a sovereign floor above.
Board member Alvarez-Morroni stated the narrowing of the driveway isn't a good idea for neighbors. She thought it was a privacy issue, and even though it isn't part of what we are approving, she would like more done to make the site private to the neighbors.  She agrees with the natural ventilation and lighting.  
Board member Tang stated being surprised by only one speaker tonight after all the outreach done. Overall he is fine with the approval.
Board member Zuppan stated fiscally an approval tonight would be ideal. She would like concerns voiced being addressed further, and agrees with the privacy concerns, and agreed with the ventilation and natural light design concerns.  She would like landscaping and architectural design to come back.
Board member Köster asked about the process for approval.
Mr. Thomas commented on the site plan changes from the architect and Chief's comments at this meeting. He reported each scenario, of three, the Board could take tonight.   
Board member Köster would like to see the building design come back.
Board member Knox White is not comfortable with approval of the site plan.
President Burton reviewed the major changes discussed, and asked about the process for another review for the building.
Board member Zuppan motioned to approve the site plan with changes, with the building coming back for approval.
Board member Köster seconded.   
Motion carried, 5-0-1 (Knox White)
      8.A.      Draft minutes of October 28, 2013
Board member Köster motioned to approve the minutes with edits .
Board member Alvarez-Morroni seconded.   
Motion carried, 5-1-0 (Tang)
      8.B.      Draft minutes of November 13, 2013
Board member Knox White motioned to approve the minutes with edits.
Board member Zuppan seconded.   
Motion carried, 5-1-0 (Köster)
      8.C.      Draft Minutes of December 16, 2013
Board member Alvarez-Morroni motioned to approve the minutes.
Board member Köster seconded.   
Motion carried, 4-2-0 (Zuppan, Knox White)
      9.A.      Building Department Update - Moved in agenda
      9.B.        Future Agendas - Mr. Thomas reviewed upcoming projects, and agenda items.
Mr. Thomas briefed the Board on upcoming items, including reasonable accommodations and a rezoning study session.
      9.C.       Staff Communications - Zoning Administrator and Design Review Recent                   Actions and Decisions - Mr. Thomas stated there were three approvals
      11.A.  Report from Alameda Point Town Center Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee - None
13. ADJOURNMENT: President Burton adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.