File #: 2017-3823   
Type: Minutes
Body: Social Service Human Relations Board
On agenda: 1/26/2017
Title: Approval of the draft minutes of the special meeting of December 1, 2016



Approval of the draft minutes of the special meeting of December 1, 2016




Social Service Human Relations Board

Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB), December 1, 2016


1.                      CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL

President Williams called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Present were Vice-President Blake, and members Hyman, Sorensen, Chilcott, Hastings, and Jenks.



2.                          APPROVAL OF MINUTES

The minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 2016 were approved as presented.

M/S Sorensen/Jenks  Unanimous


3.                     AGENDA ITEMS




Claudia Young, Director of Rent & Community Programs, Housing Authority of the City of Alameda provided, an overview of the CDBG process, sharing that tonight the Board will be receiving input from the public and developing a needs statement for presentation at the City Council meeting on January 3, 2017. She added that the City’s Five-year Strategic Plan 2015-2020 has identified preserving Alameda’s “Safety Net” of services as a priority, with funding directed to services for families and individuals (including seniors) who are vulnerable and in crisis. Ms. Young reminded the Board that the City is in the second year of a two-year funding cycle, and, while we are presenting a needs statement to Council, agencies will not be applying for 2017-18 CDBG Public Service funds. She went on to say that the Board will receive access to the quarterly progress reports of agencies who are currently receiving funding for Public Services.



Public Comment:


Stephanie Penrod with Family Violence Law Center (FVLC) thanked the Board for its continued support of their services. She shared that in FY 2015-16, FVLC responded to 181 individuals in crisis, and provided legal assistance to 79 of these individuals. Of the 181 served, 35 were referred to FVLC by the Alameda Police Department. Upon receiving a call, FVLC staff respond to provide counseling, transportation, and shelter. The legal services they provide include restraining orders and, if needed, representation in court. The scope of restraining orders can include child custody, housing, and pet custody. While this year’s numbers are about the same as last year, it is becoming much harder to house victims of domestic violence, and those able to be placed in shelters are staying longer.



Judy Hui-Pasquini, Interim Executive Director of Operation Dignity (OD), shared that OD has just finished a six-week contract with the City of Alameda to do an assessment of homeless living on the streets, with a focus on those in encampments in Jean Sweeney Open-Space Park. OD is now in the process of finalizing a one-year contract which will go to Council on December 6, and will include expanded case management services, with the goal of identifying permanent housing for homeless individuals. OD was told that 2014 and 2015 homeless counts coordinated by SSHRB identified approximately 18 chronically homeless individuals, but to date they have identified 32. Their outreach workers have said that a few of these have come from Oakland, hearing that services, with the possibility of housing, were available at Jean Sweeney Park. Challenges facing those identified include mental health issues, substance abuse, and domestic violence. OD outreach workers are assisting clients with food, clothing, CA identification cards/ driver’s licenses, access to income (SSI/GA/Other), and transportation to services. Another need identified is access to showers, and OP suggested that they may be contacting the Alameda Point Collaborative for a solution. OP staff are in conversation with the Alameda Food Bank (AFB) regarding AFB proving space for OP caseworkers, given that the food bank is adjacent to Jean Sweeney Park.


Mari Barnes, Services Director for Alameda Family Service (AFS), shared that AFS has been providing services for seniors at Mastick Senior Center and at their Family Support Center on the West End for the past 18 months. These services are funded by a three-year contract with the City of Alameda, through the Recreation and Park Department. Many of the seniors the AFS caseworkers are seeing are concerned with losing their housing, and being “priced out of Alameda”.

AFS services also include counseling and referrals to a wide range of programs, including access to food, transportation, and medical services. Ms. Barnes reported that they have provided services to 82 seniors since August. She stated that she doesn’t see the need for services decreasing, and is concerned that the contract with the City expires in mid-2018.





After receiving public comment, the Board reviewed last year’s needs letter and all agreed that the need for basic services continues to increase and that this year’s letter should echo the same concerns as last, while also encouraging the City Council to continue the City-funded services for our chronically homeless provided by Operation Dignity, and services to seniors provided by Alameda Family Services.


A motion was made recommending that funding be directed to services for families and individuals who are vulnerable and in crisis, including domestic violence survivors, seniors, and other groups faced with challenges to meet basic needs, through programs that provide food and shelter for all residents, with particular attention toward programs that address providing shelter and services to currently unsheltered homeless. In addition, President Williams will draft a letter to the Mayor and Council conveying the Board’s decision, and informing the Council that the Board will be conducting a comprehensive Community Needs Survey, to be completed by the end of 2017.



M/S Hyman / Jenks    Unanimous




3.-B                     WORK GROUP PROGRESS REPORTS



Member Hyman shared that the Human Relations Workgroup (HRW) will be meeting to review

input received at the Board’s public hearing on November 29, 2016, and begin to develop a

strategy to implement ideas and suggestions made in the letter to Council which will be drafted by

President Williams.


The HRW is also working on the final report for the Quality of Life Survey, and will provide the

report to Council in early 2017.


Vice-President Blake reported that the Assessment and Awareness Workgroup (AAW) met in

October, and is in the process of finalizing the draft of the 2017 Community Needs Survey. Once

complete, the draft will be shared with the Board, and groups such as the Executive Directors

roundtable, Alameda Hospital Board, and Commission on Disability Issues (CIL).




All Board members expressed their regret that President Williams will be leaving the Board, and thanked her for her years of dedication and service to the Board, and Alamedans in need. It was agreed that she will be a hard act to follow, and that the AUSD Board is lucky to have her joining them.


President Williams shared that it was sad and difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that she will be leaving the Board. This experience has been personal for her, and with the many challenges she has faced over the years, she always believed that there was someone struggling more. While her career has allowed her to help others, our Board has given her the opportunity to make a positive change, to change lives, where she lives.


5.                     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS   NONE






The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM

M/S Sorensen / Williams Unanimous


Respectfully submitted by:

Jim Franz, Secretary