Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $165,495.00, including Contingency, to Hydromax USA for Asset Mapping and Cross Connection Identification for Alameda Point’s Water Infrastructure. (Public Works 818003)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
From: Jill Keimach, City Manager
Re: Recommendation to Award a Contract in the Amount of $165,495.00, including Contingency, to Hydromax USA for Asset Mapping and Cross Connection Identification for Alameda Point’s Water Infrastructure
The City of Alameda owns the water distribution facilities at Alameda Point (AP). The existing water system connects to the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) system at three EBMUD meters on Main Street and distributes potable and fire water to all areas within AP. The water facilities were installed by the Navy and the majority of the system is over 60 years old. The system has deteriorated and requires frequent maintenance, much of which is accomplished through a joint powers agreement with the EBMUD. The City is in need of a variety of services to improve the operation and maintenance of the water distribution system and to minimize risk to public health and safety.
The City is in need of improved asset mapping in Geographic Information System (GIS) format so that operational and other repair work can be tracked and scheduled in Public Works’ maintenance management system. In addition, the system valves and fire hydrants need testing, and the pipes need leak detection surveying. The City also requires testing for potential cross connections between the fire and potable water services, as these cross connections can impact water quality.
To solicit the maximum number of proposals in response to the City's Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Alameda Point Potable Water Infrastructure Asset Mapping, Cross Connection Identification and Improvement Program, a notice was placed on the City's web page and published in the Alameda Journal on December 9, 2016. On January 4, 2017, two firms submitted proposals. The following firms submitted acceptable proposals:
Bidder |
Location |
Proposal |
Hydromax USA |
Louisville, KY |
$150,450 |
Water Resources Engineering |
San Francisco, CA |
$199,050 |
Selection was based on the completeness and quality of the proposal response, the firm's ability to understand and articulate the project and City needs, the project plan, timeline, qualifications, references, and past projects. Cost was also considered in the evaluation and Hydromax USA was selected as the most suitable firm to perform the asset mapping and cross connection identification services for the water infrastructure at Alameda Point.
The funds for this project are budgeted in the Base Reuse Fund Alameda Point Facility Maintenance Program (818003). There is no impact to the General Fund.
This action does not affect the Municipal Code.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment.
Recommendation to award a contract in the amount of $165,495.00, including contingency, to Hydromax USA for asset mapping and cross connection identification for Alameda Point’s water infrastructure.
Respectfully submitted,
Liam Garland, Acting Public Works Director
Erin Smith, Acting Deputy Public Works Director
Financial Impact section reviewed,
Elena Adair, Finance Director
1. Contract