File #: 2018-5370   
Type: Council Referral
Body: City Council
On agenda: 4/3/2018
Title: Discuss the Sunshine Ordinance Requirement in Alameda Municipal Code Section 2-91.13(f) regarding Increasing the Number of Regular Meetings of the City Council. (Councilmembers Oddie and Ezzy Ashcraft)
Attachments: 1. Correspondence



Discuss the Sunshine Ordinance Requirement in Alameda Municipal Code Section 2-91.13(f) regarding Increasing the Number of Regular Meetings of the City Council.  (Councilmembers Oddie and Ezzy Ashcraft)






The Council can take any of the following actions:

1) Take no action.

2) Refer the matter to staff to schedule as a future City Council agenda item.

3) Take dispositive action if sufficiently noticed such that the public and Council have been provided sufficient information by the published agenda, and no formal published notice of a public hearing is required.


Name of Councilmember requesting referral: Councilmembers Oddie and Ezzy Ashcraft


Date of submission to City Clerk (must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on the Monday two weeks before the Council meeting requested): March 19, 2018


Council Meeting date: April 3, 2018


Brief description of the subject to be printed on the agenda, sufficient to inform the City Council and public of the nature of the referral:


The City’s current Sunshine Ordinance states, in part:


f.  Meetings of public bodies shall adjourn no later than 11:00 p.m., unless the meeting is extended by a majority vote of the body.

1. If the body extends three (3) meetings in a row past 11:00 p.m., the body shall also be required, as a part of the motion to extend the meeting, to increase the number of regular meetings of the council, board or commission in order to accomplish the business before the body before 11:00 p.m.  (AMC section 2-91.13)


Discuss the implications/understanding of the clause “to increase the number of regular meetings of the council,” and if necessary, direct staff to bring back an amendment to the ordinance clarifying how many regular meetings need to be added as part of the motion discussed in AMC section 2-91.13(f).


Priority Ranking:









Important →



____ 1 = Not urgent, not important

____ 2 = Urgent, not important

_X__ 3 = Urgent and important

____ 4 = Not urgent, important