File #: 2018-6083   
Type: Minutes
Body: Public Art Commission
On agenda: 10/15/2018
Title: Draft Meeting Minutes - August 16, 2018



Draft Meeting Minutes - August 16, 2018







Thursday, August 16, 2018, 6:00PM


Chairman Daniel Hoy called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM.


1.                     ROLL CALL

Present: Chairman Daniel Hoy, Commissioner Mark Farrell, Commissioner Adam Gillitt, Commissioner Sherman Lewis, and Commissioner Liz Rush.

Lois Butler (PAC secretary) and Amanda Gehrke are present as staff to the Commission.

2.                     MINUTES

Chairman Hoy confirmed there is no motion to make due to June 18th’s minutes not stating that the commission would like to fund all Physical Art Proposals. That revision will be added to June 18th’s minutes.

3.                     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS


4.                     REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS


4-A 2018-5876: Consideration of New Physical Public Art.   The Public Art Commission will hold a public meeting to consider the installation of new public art located in the City of Alameda Tidelands. The proposed physical public art installations are Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.

Amanda Gehrke, Economic Development Division staff gave an overview of the item.

Amanda Gehrke reminded the commission of the 4 art proposals recommended to go to final approval with City Council on September 18th. She reiterated the notion of finding funding sources for the 2 remaining proposals at the $150,000 level. Those 2 proposals are to be funded by the Tidelands Fund, specifically for the improvement of the Tidelands area. Ms. Gehrke asked the Commission to recommend the funding of this artwork to City Council. If funding is recommended it will go to Council on September 18th’s along with the other proposals.

Commissioners asked clarifying questions.


Commissioner Rush asked if there was enough money in the fund to cover the 2 pieces. Ms. Gehrke confirmed there are sufficient funds. The allocation of the requested $360,000 includes a 20% contingency. 


Chairman Hoy asked how the funding was found. Ms. Butler stated that funds are only eligible for Tidelands activity and recreational use to attract visitors. The Tidelands lead within the Community Development Department located the qualifying funds.


Commissioner Farrell wanted to confirm whether or not the proposed locations of the art will be the same. He specifically spoke about the “Bronze Squid” and its placement, as its proposed location seemed industrial to him. Ms. Gehrke confirmed they would be in the same location. The commission debated whether or not the proposed location is fit, while being a unique opportunity due to the discovery of funding. The thought of potentially physically moving the art in the future was presented, but it may have to go back to Council in order to recommend a different site.


Commissioner Rush asked if the Tidelands grounds are maintained. Ms. Butler confirmed that they are maintained, as the location is on City property. Since the area is desolate, the commission would like to confirm that it wouldn’t be subject to vandalism. Ms. Gehrke stated they could revisit maps to be certain the art is in a good area once they take it to council without a specified location.   


Rossella Scapini - Artist and creator of the “Bronze Squid”

Ms. Scapini is open to reposition the location of artwork as she proposed 4-5 different locations in her application. Ms. Scapini stated she did want her piece to be showcased by the water. In regard to the location, the Commission agreed that if this piece were to be near the Dragon, a full Art Walk could be possible.


Chairman Hoy wanted to confirm that artists would be able to speak at the Council meeting, should the Councilmembers have questions. Ms. Butler confirmed they must complete a Speaker Slip to do so. He asked the artists to be available and they confirmed they would. Ms. Butler explained what the “consent calendar” meant and the process for the Commission’s understanding.


Chairman Hoy made the motion to recommend the Tidelands funding, Commissioner Gillitt seconded. The motion passed 5-0.



4-B 2018-5877: Review of Art in City Hall Pilot Program.  The Public Art Commission will hold a public meeting to review and consider changes to the Art in City Hall Pilot Program. Consideration of this program is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act.


Amanda Gehrke, Economic Development Division staff gave an overview of the item.

Ms. Gehrke reminded the Commission about the Art in City Hall program that was piloted last year. She discussed the opportunity to move the program forward due to good reception. There have been some alterations to the guidelines, specifically to art organizations wanting to be included. This year half of the space will be reserved for arts organizations to promote groups shows. Ms. Gehrke explained how she updated the program schedule and display capacity. She then asked for the Commission’s input.

Commissioner Rush asked if the program dates coincide with 2nd Fridays. Ms. Gehrke confirmed that the dates do. Commissioner Rush also wanted verification on what “art organizations” were. Ms. Gehrke gave the examples of Frank Bette, Rhythmix, and the Alameda Art Museum.

Commissioner Rush then asked for clarification on why we would need to include them in City Hall’s program. Ms. Gehrke believes this platform could expose a new market to the participating organizations.

Commissioner Farrell wanted to confirm what type of art is included in the guidelines. Ms. Gehrke confirmed that the guidelines state that all artwork must be hang-able on a wall.

Commissioner Rush asked how many artist participate at a time. Ms. Gehrke confirmed there are 2 artists at a time between floors for each installation.

The Commission inquired on whether or not a theme could be implemented into the programming schedule.  Ms. Butler stated that maybe too extensive at the moment. Ms. Gehrke shared the same sentiment but said there could be be a theme. The hesitation surfaces around inclusion and who would judge the potential appropriation. Ms. Gehrke and Ms. Butler offered to schedule a working session and create a subcommittee to decrease staff burden in regard to administering themes.

Chairman Hoy offered a motion, but Ms. Gehrke confirmed no recommendation was needed. This conversation was primarily for the Commission’s input. 

5.                     STAFF COMMUNICATIONS

Ms. Butler will order business cards for the Commission, given they are provided a City of Alameda email address. The Commission agreed to accept the email addresses.


Ms. Butler announced there is a new Administrative Technician in the Economic Development department, Kelli Chinn. She alerted them that Kelli will contact the Commission for scheduling meetings and she will take meeting minutes.


 Ms. Gehrke assured the Commission that the report about upcoming developments subject to the Public Art Requirement will be complete by the meeting in October as the ordinance’s definition requires some further research. Ms. Butler will also have an answer about interest rates at October’s meeting, due to the current books closing.


Commissioner Rush mentioned investigating its appropriateness of a logo for the Commission. Ms. Butler will have to check with the City Attorney about that request.


The Commission brought up the mural on Lincoln and Bay and asked for verification on whether or not that request went through the City. Ms. Butler confirmed that there is no approval process for painting. The Commission would like to encourage property owners to utilize their buildings for this type of art. Ms. Gehrke reiterated that the Façade Grant Program does encourage murals. But, murals may not be recognized on the Public Art Commission level until sites are identified for targeted RFQ’s. The Commission offered to build a subcommittee to lessen staff burden to propose sites. Prior to all this taking place Ms. Butler and Ms. Gehrke would like community input on private options as well as public buildings as mural sites. Ms. Butler will refine that agenda item on potential sites for public art at the next meeting. 


6.                     WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS

        No written communications.


The Commission would like for everyone to view the mural on Lincoln and Bay.

8.                     ADJOURNMENT

        Chairman Hoy adjourned the meeting.