File #: 2018-6303   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 12/10/2018
Title: Minutes October 15, 2018




Monday October 15, 2018, 6:00PM


Chairman Daniel Hoy called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM.


1.                     ROLL CALL

Present: Chairman Daniel Hoy, Commissioner Mark Farrell, Commissioner Adam Gillitt, Commissioner Sherman Lewis, and Commissioner Liz Rush.

Lois Butler (PAC secretary), Amanda Gehrke and Kelli Chinn are present as staff to the Commission.

2.                     MINUTES

Chairman Hoy recommended a motion to accept the revision to June 18th minutes. Commissioner Gillitt made a motion to approve the minutes and Commissioner Lewis seconded the motion. There was not a vote.


Upon approval of August 16th minutes, Commissioner Gillitt indicated that the “Alameda Art Museum” should be called the “Alameda Historical Museum.” Chairman Hoy recommended a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Rush made the motion and Commissioner Gillitt seconded. Motion passed 5-0.


3.                     ORAL COMMUNICATIONS


4.                     REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS


4-A 2018-6079: Establish and Appoint Members to an Ad Hoc Public Art Commission Committee (“Selection Panel”)The Public Art Commission will hold a public meeting to establish and appoint members to a Selection Panel for cultural arts and arts programming in Alameda. The formation of an Ad Hoc Committee is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act.

Amanda Gehrke, Economic Development Division staff gave an overview of the item.

Ms. Gehrke reminded the committee of the 2017 RFP for Cultural Art and of the funds that were awarded in April 2018. Two levels of funding were released, $15,000 and $20,000. After the meeting on June 18, 2018, PAC directed staff to re-release funds in increments of $5,000. Eight proposals responses were received from the August 2018 RFP. In order to review the proposals, a new selection panel is needed. The public call for panelist went out. Fifteen 15 applicants were received. The staff met with Chairman Hoy to finalize the three recommended panelists: Deborah Crooks, Joanna Ruckman-Gallego, and Laurel Scheinman. They were recommended due to their cultural arts experience. The Commission was asked to review the recommendation and select two alternates. Two members from the Commission are also needed to join the Cultural Art Selection panel. Ms. Gehrke outlined the process for selecting the finalists for the grants.

Commissioners asked clarifying questions.

Commissioner Farrell wanted to confirm whether or not the panelists were required to be Alameda residents and if the proposals were for cultural or physical art. He also wanted to know if the selection panel was limited to two PAC members or not. Ms. Gehrke confirmed that coincidentally all applicants are Alameda residents, but this is not a requirement and the proposals are only for cultural art. She verified that there can only be two PAC members on the panel.

Chairman Hoy explained the reasoning behind his selection of panelists. He suggested that the alternates be Rose Meyers and Michael Singman-Aste.

The commission reviewed the alternate’s experience. They all agreed that their background in cultural art is strong. Commissioner Lewis asked if dates for meeting were set, Ms. Gehrke confirmed the first date. Commissioner Farrell and Commissioner Rush volunteered to sit on the Cultural Arts Selection panel. Chairman Hoy requested a motion, Commissioner Gillitt made a motion to appoint the three panelists and two alternates. Commissioner Rush seconded. Motion passed 5-0.


5.                     STAFF COMMUNICATIONS

Ms. Gehrke provided upcoming development projects subject to the Public Art requirement. She explained the requirements for the developers. The updates on this topic will become a regular agenda item. Lewis asked when the developer would be required to fulfill their obligation to Public Art requirement. Butler explained not until their certificate of occupancy is complete. Ms. Butler and Ms. Gehrke will follow up with developers on how they will proceed. They reviewed past projects.


Ms. Butler revisited how much interest is in the Public Art Fund. She stated that from 2007 to present there is $20,690.56. She will review the balance for the Commission. Commissioner Lewis asked about an endowment establishment and why we don’t have one. Lois will check on endowment with City Attorney’s Office.


6.                     WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS

        No written communications.


Commissioner Farrell asked everyone to support the Alameda International Film Festival.

8.                     ADJOURNMENT

        Chairman Hoy adjourned the meeting.