Adoption of Resolution Establishing a Privacy Policy, Data Management Policy, and Prohibiting the Use of Face Recognition Technology. (City Manager)
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
As privacy and data management become ever-more relevant in our day-to-day lives, staff recommends that the City Council consider adopting a Resolution stating the City of Alameda's (City) commitment to maintaining the public's trust by protecting the integrity of personal data and privacy, and ensuring transparency in how data is used. The Resolution attached to this report includes drafts of the City's: Privacy Principles (Exhibit A); Data Management Policy (Exhibit B); and a Prohibition on the Use of Face Recognition Technology (Exhibit C). This potential policy is being forwarded to address both a referral and request by City Council during an earlier City Council meeting discussion.
As the use of technology has continued to grow in society, local governments (including the City of Alameda) are having to adapt. The collection of data and information is important for efficient and effective operation of the organization, including many of the programs and projects that are delivered in the community. Data and information that is collected must be kept secure and managed appropriately. Also important is allowing the public to know and understand what data is being collected, how it is being used, and by whom.
The City is committed to maintaining public trust and ensuring transparency. To those ends, staff has drafted the attached Resolution as well as three exhibits: Privacy Principles (Exhibit A); a Data Management Policy (Exhibit B); and a Prohibition on the Use of Face Recognition Technology (Exhibit C). Each of these components is discussed below.
Privacy Principles
There is an emerging need to protect privacy as City services incorporate and rely upon emerging technologies which collect data and in...
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