File #: 2020-8056   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 6/16/2020
Title: Recommendation to Approve Amy Wooldridge, Recreation and Parks Director, Eric Levitt, City Manager, and Michael Roush, Assistant City Attorney as Real Property Negotiators for Greenway Golf Lease Agreement. (Recreation 280)

Recommendation to Approve Amy Wooldridge, Recreation and Parks Director, Eric Levitt, City Manager, and Michael Roush, Assistant City Attorney as Real Property Negotiators for Greenway Golf Lease Agreement. (Recreation 280)


To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


Greenway Golf (Greenway) has a long-term lease agreement with the City for operation, improvement and maintenance of the Chuck Corica Golf Complex (Corica Park). This agreement requires the City to do a one-time improvement of the parking lot and then ongoing maintenance is the responsibility of Greenway. Greenway requested that the City consider a larger scope for the parking lot improvement. This expanded scope increases the project cost beyond the allocated budget and Greenway requested to negotiate the terms of its lease and would then take financial and construction management responsibility for renovating the parking lot with the expanded scope.


In 2012, the City entered into a twenty-five (25) year lease agreement with Greenway Golf for renovation, operation and maintenance of Corica Park. In March 2018, City Council authorized an amendment that extended the lease to a total of fifty (50) years and required Greenway Golf to do additional improvements to the North Course and Clubhouse, and install new water main and fire lines.

The lease agreement requires the City to renovate the Corica Park parking lot and subsequent long-term maintenance is the responsibility of Greenway.

The 2018-19 Mid-Cycle Budget amendment appropriated a total of $500,000 to the Golf Course Parking Lot Improvement Project.


Under Government Code Section 54956.8, Title 5, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 9, the City Council must identify the real property negotiators for negotiation of the price and terms concerning real property, such as Chuck Corica Golf Complex. Staff recommends that the negotiators for the lease agreement with Greenway Golf ...

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