File #: 2023-2876   
Type: Regular Agenda Item
Body: Public Art Commission
On agenda: 3/20/2023
Title: Recommendation to Approve the Attached Resolution and Conditions Approving "MetalMorphosis @ the Launch" Public Art Proposal for Launch Apartments at 1777 Clement Avenue
Attachments: 1. MetalMorphosis @ The Launch Public Art Application, 2. Resolution

Recommendation to Approve the Attached Resolution and Conditions Approving "MetalMorphosis @ the Launch" Public Art Proposal for Launch Apartments at 1777 Clement Avenue


To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Public Art Commission


Alameda Municipal Code Section 30-98 Public Art in New Commercial, Industrial, Residential and Municipal Construction (Ordinance) requires that major development projects dedicate 1% of development costs to on-site public art. Building costs for 1777 Clement Avenue are estimated at $70,000,000. Therefore, the public art obligation is $700,000.

At tonight's meeting, the Public Art Commission (PAC) will consider the artwork proposed for 1777 Clement Avenue. The proposed artwork by 1AM Projects (Daniel Pan and Antione Marnata) entitled "MetalMorphosis" consists of a series of murals painted on nine (9) utility boxes (Exhibit 1). The value of the proposed installation is estimated to be approximately $62,500. The remaining $637,500 of the project's public art obligation will be fulfilled through an in-lieu contribution to the City's Public Art Fund.


The PAC is responsible for reviewing and approving public art proposals to ensure compliance with the following program criteria established by the Public Art Ordinance:

The artist has demonstrated qualifications to complete the proposed on-site artwork with the highest professional standards.
Staff comments: Staff finds that Mr. Pan and Mr. Marnata's resume, and examples of previous work demonstrate the experience and qualifications required to complete the proposed artwork to the highest professional standards.

There is sufficient public visibility and accessibility to the on-site artwork, and the proposed on-site artwork is compatible with and harmonious with the development project and surrounding environment.
Staff comments: The proposed artwork would be located on nine utility boxes that are clearly visible from public right of ways. AS shown...

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