File #: 2023-2894   
Type: Consent Calendar Item
Body: City Council
On agenda: 4/18/2023
Title: Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute All Necessary Documents with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to Complete the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Boulevard Roundabout for $3,321,429 as Part of the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project Funded by One Bay Area Grant 3 and the Necessary Local Match. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this Project is Categorically Exempt Under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) Existing Facilities (Minor Alterations to Existing Facilities Including Bicycle Facilities) and Section 15304(h) (Minor Alterations to Land and the Creation of Bicycle Lanes on Existing Public Rights of Way). (Planning, Building and Transportation 20962740)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Roundabout Concept, 2. Resolution



Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute All Necessary Documents with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to Complete the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Boulevard Roundabout for $3,321,429 as Part of the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project Funded by One Bay Area Grant 3 and the Necessary Local Match. 

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this Project is Categorically Exempt Under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) Existing Facilities (Minor Alterations to Existing Facilities Including Bicycle Facilities) and Section 15304(h) (Minor Alterations to Land and the Creation of Bicycle Lanes on Existing Public Rights of Way). (Planning, Building and Transportation 20962740)



To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


From: Jennifer Ott, City Manager




Staff is requesting that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to complete the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. roundabout for $3,321,429 as part of the Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project (Central Avenue Project) funded by One Bay Area Grant 3 (OBAG 3) and the required local match.




Project Objectives: The Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. roundabout is one component of the Central Avenue Project which implements the City of Alameda’s (City) 2018 Transportation Choices Plan, 2019 Climate Action and Resiliency Plan, 2019 Intersection Daylighting Policy, 2019 Lane Widths Policy, 2021 Vision Zero Action Plan and 2022 Active Transportation Plan by achieving four overarching objectives:

1.                     Reduce crashes and improve safety for all modes of travel and for all members of the community including school children, seniors, people with disabilities, bicyclists, transit riders and automobile drivers;

2.                     Improve bicycle and pedestrian access and safety between West Alameda and Central Alameda and along the San Francisco Bay Trail;

3.                     Reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and

4.                     Reduce automobile delay and improve traffic operations and travel times.


City Council Actions: The Central Avenue Project is the result of a ten-year collaborative effort directed by the City Council as shown in the project webpage and below: <>

                     In May 2013, the City Council approved submittal of a Community-Based Transportation Planning state grant application to Caltrans for the project;

                     In February 2016, the City Council approved an initial concept for the Central Avenue Project and directed staff to continue the design development process with Caltrans and to work with the neighboring community to provide safer improvements for the Webster Street area;

                     In October 2016, the City Council approved application and received a federal grant from the Alameda County Transportation Commission, increasing the project funding to $10.8 million in combined grant monies;

                     In June 2017, the City Council approved $557,000 of the Central Avenue local match monies for Fiscal Years 2017 to 2019;

                     In January 2018, the City Council adopted the Transportation Choices Plan, which included the Central Avenue Project, to address the climate crisis and to increase the safety and convenience of walking, bicycling, carpooling and using transit;

                     In April 2018, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans and a contract with CDM Smith to prepare the Caltrans required Project Initiation Document (PID) since the eastern part of the corridor is Caltrans’ State Route 61;

                     In March 2019, the City Council approved a revised Central Avenue concept between Paden School and McKay Avenue extending the safer two-way bikeway;

                     In June 2019, the City Council approved $2.5 million in Central Avenue expenditures from local and federal funding sources for Fiscal Years 2019 to 2021;

                     In November 2019, the City Council approved a CDM Smith contract amendment for the Central Avenue Project approval and environmental document phase (PA&ED) and the plans, specifications and estimate phase (PS&E);

                     In May 2020, the City Council approved the Caltrans Cooperative Agreement for the PA&ED and the PS&E since the project is partially on a state route;

                     In April 2021, the City Council approved the final design concept after a virtual open house in fall 2020 and February 2021 as shown at <>;

                     In September 2022, the City Council approved the Caltrans required resolution for parking restrictions on the State Route 61 part of the Central Avenue Project;

                     In December 2022, the City Council approved a CDM Smith contract amendment for the Central Avenue Project roundabout design, construction support and continued Caltrans coordination; and

                     In February 2023, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans to complete the construction of the Central Avenue Project, as required since the eastern part of the corridor is a state route.


Project construction for the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. roundabout is anticipated to begin in late-2023.




On January 25, 2023, MTC approved the OBAG 3 grant for the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. roundabout.  The project concept is shown in Exhibit 1.  Staff is requesting that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents with MTC to complete the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. roundabout.  The project is funded by the OBAG 3 grant in the amount of $2,325,000 and the required local match in the amount of $996,429, for a combined total of $3,321,429.


A total of three roundabouts are funded as part of the Central Avenue Project at the following intersections:

                     Central Avenue/Main Street/Pacific Avenue;

                     Central Avenue/Third Street/Taylor Avenue; and

                     Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. (new OBAG 3 grant)


A fourth roundabout at Central Avenue/Sherman Street/Encinal Avenue is unfunded.


Recipients of OBAG 3 funding must have their projects added or amended in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) before obligating funds, contingent on compliance with OBAG 3 requirements.  Applicable requirements include a certified Housing Element, an adopted resolution affirming compliance with various state housing laws, and a resolution of local support, which is the purpose of this City Council agenda item.


In April 2021, the City Council approved the Central Avenue project final design concept, which included the roundabout at Central/Fourth/Ballena, after an extensive eight-year public planning process and a virtual open house in fall 2020 and February 2021.

To ensure local support, the City staff/consultant team reached out to adjacent properties via regular mail and to key stakeholders including the Fire Department and Alameda County Industries (ACI), and conducted a site tour with neighbors on March 30, 2023.  The concept reflects input received with a focus on safety, specifically reduced speeds, and with on-street parking as a lower priority.  On-street parking is allowed with minor parking loss due to a revised roundabout configuration in the northwest corner, which is the preferred treatment due to reduced westbound speeds, and safety and mobility improvements for adjacent residents.  The proposed roundabout also includes access entry points for emergency response and for ACI operations to collect recyclables, organics and garbage, and complies with the Fire Code.




The City Council may consider the following alternatives:

                     Authorize execution of the resolution.

                     Authorize execution of the resolution with amendments.

                     Do not authorize the resolution, and direct staff to proceed with another approach.




Staff is requesting that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents with MTC to complete the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. roundabout for $3,321,429 as part of the Central Avenue Project with OBAG 3 grant funding and the required local match.  The OBAG 3 grant covers 70 percent of this roundabout totaling $2,325,000 and the required local match covers the remaining 30 percent totaling $996,429.  The appropriation of local matching funds for this OBAG 3 grant will be subject to future City Council approval as part of the upcoming two-year budget and Capital Improvement Program.




This action is consistent with the Alameda Municipal Code and the City's Mobility Element of the General Plan with the four main goals of equity, safety, choices and sustainability.




In accordance with CEQA, this project is categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) Existing Facilities (Minor alterations to existing facilities including bicycle facilities) and Section 15304(h) Minor Alterations to Land and the creation of bicycle lanes on existing public rights of way.  None of the exceptions to the categorical exemptions apply.  For the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) determination, Caltrans has specified that this project is a categorical exclusion under 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 771.117(c): activity (c)(3).




Since vehicle miles traveled in Alameda is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Alameda, safety improvements in support of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit will have a positive climate impact.




Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents with MTC to complete the Central Avenue/Fourth Street/Ballena Blvd. roundabout for $3,321,429 as part of the Central Avenue Project with OBAG 3 funding and the necessary local match.


Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Thomas, Director of Planning, Building and Transportation



Gail Payne, Senior Transportation Coordinator


Financial Impact section reviewed,

Margaret O’Brien, Finance Director



1.                     Central/Fourth/Ballena Roundabout Concept


cc:                     Erin Smith, Public Works Director