PLN23-0167 - Development Plan and Development Agreement - 500 W. Midway Avenue - Applicant: Collaborating Partners. Public hearing to consider approval of the Rebuilding the Existing Supportive Housing at Alameda Point (RESHAP) Development Plan and recommending approval of the RESHAP Development Agreement. The streamlining provision of Public Resources Section 21083.3 and Section 15183 of the CEQA Guidelines apply and no further environmental review is required.
To: Honorable President
and Members of the Planning Board
From: Andrew Thomas
Planning, Building and Transportation Director
A long standing goal of the City of Alameda's General Plan, Housing Element 2023-2031, and Alameda Point Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan is the rebuilding, expansion, and improvement of the existing supportive housing and associated programs and facilities at Alameda Point.
On behalf of the Collaborating Partners (Alameda Point Collaborative (APC), Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC), and Operation Dignity), nonprofit affordable housing developer MidPen Housing Corporation submitted an updated Development Plan and Development Agreement for the rebuilding, expansion and improvement of the supportive housing at Alameda Point.
Staff is recommending approval of the draft resolution (Exhibit 1) in support of the RESHAP Development Plan (Exhibit 2) and draft Development Agreement (Exhibit 3). The necessary CEQA findings are supported by a CEQA Checklist prepared for the project (Exhibit 4).
On November 15, 2022, the City Council approved the Planning Board's recommended City of Alameda Housing Element 2023-2031, which includes policies and programs related to the development of housing on City owned land at Alameda Point. Housing Element Program #1 commits the City of Alameda to take all necessary actions to facilitate and expedite the construction of 1,482 housing units on City owned land at Alameda Point dur...
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